In accordance with Cotran 2000, the main cerebral occurrences in each phase are: In the initial phase, the person is conscientious, perceives something wrong with its recent memory, has difficulty in learning and to hold back information and also she happens in the reduction of the learning capacity, thought and planning. In the intermediate phase, the patient already is not capable to learn and to hold back new information, affecting says and understanding to it of speech, perception of the body in relation to objects to its redor, causing object slips, falls, etc. In the final phase, the patient is not capable to walk, presenting incontinence, is in the stream bed and it does not say more. Most of the cortex seriously is damaged. The brain shrinks very in function of the death of cells in all the agency.
The people lose the capacity of if communicating, recognizing the dear family and same people and to take care of of itself. In the made specific examinations in patients with the evil of Alzheimer, she is possible to observe a changeable degree of cortical atrophy with widening of the cerebral ridges, being more evident in the wolves frontals, secular and parietais. The number of neurofibrilas interlaced, what it characterizes the degeneration to neurofibrilar and of senile plates, has some relation with the degree and the duration of the dementia (COTRAN, 2000). It has two categories of cerebral injuries, in one of them, the neurons show great plates of a called protein beta-amyloid, that it has toxic effect on the cells. In the other aspect, the neurons if in essential parts of its internal structure, the micron tbulos, that are twisted and confusions harming the functioning of these cells.