Never before has felt curious to know how the system of barcodes in the world of Commerce works? As you will discover which constitutes more spoiled monopoly worldwide; in Spain, by the way, far superior to the SGAE or chambers of Commerce. The global organization that is responsible for assigning numbers (prefixes of company) for barcodes is GS1, based in Brussels. This organization has branches in each country are responsible for assigning the numbers (which begin with the prefixes granted to the country; in Spain is AECOC and the prefix 84). Each local organisation has full freedom to set rates of Association, annuities and conditions but in practice they function as a monopolistic lobby, since no association shall reject any Member belonging to another country. Interestingly this contravenes the rules of free movement of companies in the European economic community, but nobody seems to care. Association rates do not seem to follow any pattern established nor logical because, in a country where the cost of living is very high, as the United Kingdom, the entrance fee is 260 GBP, while in Spain an annuity from 190 EUR 601 EUR are required by anricipado. In a few countries like Spain Association has the character of private institution, free, voluntary and non-profit and therefore their contributions are exempt from VAT. In others, contributions are subject to tax and his character is business.
When an entrepreneur needs to label their products with a barcode, what they charge you is indeed a very high fee and a share of lifetime by pointing you in an Excel worksheet. No more. Tell you what numbers can be used (100, 1000 or 10000, depending on the amount of products and the size of the company) and to run. This state of affairs constitutes de facto greater monopoly that exists in the world, because either GS1 or no local delegation has legal backing any Government.