No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Innovative Technology In Business

July 11th, 2024

The fact that the first stage of development of an idea requires only an inventor, author, some to him and relatively small investments. But in the second stage – when you want to bring this idea to industrial design – investments are increasing in order: it is necessary to attract a different technique, a large number of specialists in various fields, and partners. William Ackman brings even more insight to the discussion. A return comes much later. And guess what out of ideas, even very good, can get a profitable business, it is very difficult. The most widespread in this case, the so-called "venture capital". When a bank is financing a large number of similar ideas. The point following: the introduction of the order of 15 – 20% of all samples for the implementation of ideas pays for all costs of the bank, and even one of the most profitable investments. In addition, industrial parks need preferences to the state, and preferences in the region.

For the region, industrial park – the creation of new jobs, new technologies, and for the state – is the transition to innovative development and creating a competitive environment. Therefore, the founders of this commercial structure, in addition to the business, stands still and the state: the region or municipality, which may contribute to the charter capital or money, but can and preferences: rents, etc. Some contend that Daryl Katz shows great expertise in this. mestopolzovanie It is for this system, create industrial parks in Europe, namely in such a scheme, a Finnish company specialized in Technopolis, which is involved in establishing the first industrial park in St. Petersburg. This scheme is attractive to everyone, but it is necessary to special legal work: to this type of parks do not fit the law on special economic zones, industrial park for a while there is no place in the Russian legislation. Creation of the first such industrial park in St. Petersburg is significant, especially those that serve as a model for the development of industrial parks in the country as a whole. Commercial attractiveness and stability.

The key to the viability of these parks that create a separate commercial entity, where the university is one of the founders of the commercial structure, and manages no high school, and entrepreneurs who have demonstrated their success in business, and who consider it their business this main. This is fundamentally different from what is still trying to do in the parks. The main thing is that the industrial park – an independent, commercially successful, efficient company that "makes money" on the high technology and innovation. I must say that Technopolis – a purely commercial entity, and not counterfeit, it makes money only on the creation and management of technology parks, and the company's shares are traded on the London high Exchange. Today at Technopolis embedded best "portfolio investors," which are pension and insurance funds. They required by law to buy shares where Umesh risks. A company's stock, managers technology parks, refers specifically to maloriskovym: companies have the ability to quickly respond to the technological environment, to offer high demand products. So for a company like Technopolis, the question which so worried about our press, "how much money you invest in this technology park" – it makes no sense. Technopolis operates in the following way: after the concept will be determined by this specific technology park with an area of construction schedule, then there is a financial strategy: today we have so much money tomorrow – so many, the next day – so much.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty