Learn to sail are best direct sailing schools bring to have a slow sailing. They learned the language, such as boat bow (front part of the hull), stern (rear part of the ship, etc.) Similarly, the mastery of individual maneuvers, such as: Heaving to this (the boat is very quiet in the water and the almost perpendicular to the wind) or one of the most famous maneuvers: man – on – board (this is a way back to the boat to a person fallen overboard to bring). We show you how you can best take advantage of the wind speeds and you can decide after a successful course for themselves whether they want to take part in competitions, perhaps, to this day are still very popular, or whether to sail only as a leisure activity for discover themselves want. Learn to play golf can be found for instance in specific golf courses. The aim of this game is to get with as few shots with various clubs and the golf ball into a hole. Typically, a golf game consists of 18 courses. TheRules of this sport are very extensive and were founded in 1754 and to apply today. In a golf course once you first get the technical terms such as: 1 Hole-in-One – The ball is directly transported from the tee into the hole, 2 Eagle – two strokes under par 3 Birdie – one stroke under par Beige Bracht. These are just a few of the most commonly used golf terms. In addition to these concepts we learned everything that belongs to a golf equipment. We may take up to 14 different clubs in his golf bag. In addition to the club, how can one give up golf balls. Meanwhile, there are also direct tournaments for the sport and she has enjoyed increasing popularity. Everyone must decide for themselves which of these two sports suits him best. When sailing you have great skill in dealing with his own body to prove it. On the golf course must be patient.