No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Stays in mystical forests: the natural pantheism

May 14th, 2009

All the magic of the mythical vegetable kingdom lies fantasy in the knowledge of the spirits of the plants. In symbolism the occult have received different names: driadas, Silvana, wildlife, wild second Paracelsus, Doire oigh for metaphysical Celtic unicorns Gauls, Celts grove Maidens for new age Irish dusii for San Agustin, etc. The tree is the most perfect representative of the plant kingdom, and faries the magic it is, likewise, the most malachite powerful. Its roots represent the earthly world, and its crown is the celestial world. The trunk is the witchcraft link between the two amy brown worlds, the axis mundi of the occultists meaning who speak, fairy and also the misterium magnum psychic (the big cosmic mystery) of esotericism. We wiccan have the tree Sephiroth of Kabbalah, the Aswatta of the Buddhists, the Haoma kabbalah in Zoroastrianism, Zampoun faerie of Tibet, crystal the Yggdrasil of the Scandinavians, the Tree of Life of the Celts creature as sacred healing beings meditation in many crystals different religions and beliefs.

Press of Atlantic City
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No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty