Many people young people’s sedentary lifestyle, seem to some old, by his poor body posture and his way of walking. Mostly seen in people who perform a clerk, transport drivers, activity or sedentary people who stick pass it to your TV or pc. It changes your posture and will change your life to reverse this problem and change that ugly appearance, it is necessary to review your posture and your way of walking and in addition, you also review your way of breathing. A correct position of your body, is to be upright, in a single vertical line his OWL, back and buttocks. To verify if your position is correct, you should stand with your back to the wall in that nape, back and your buttocks should touch the wall. Stretch your chest and shoulders back. It is important to keep you in that position at all times. You check your posture constantly to do so, at the beginning, you should constantly check your posture, making that verification as you indicate above.
Take awareness in maintaining that position, you will get you several years off. In general, as you know an old is recognized by the way of walking, if your time, they walk nearly dragging your feet and give short steps. As an exercise to improve your walk, you suggest a package, you do the following exercise: with the body upright performs a walk with military, step wide and safe passage. Be sure that when you walk you ocupes the largest amount of muscles. To move the entire plant of the foot, which foot do the curvature from heel to toes in each step. It’s a great exercise to start your fitness into your new youth. An important exercise is important itself, that every morning foratalezcas your legs before starting your daily activity, do a few squats before you go to the shower or take your breakfast. Mira, with only start with 10 squats every morning, you’re forataleciendo your legs.
To perform this little exercise, Ponte erected, with hands on the waist and flexing your pernas to sitting position (is like going to sit in a Chair would imagine), keeping if at any time your body erected). And then you stretch your legs, repeat this exercise 10 times. It is important that you join with a good breathing. Breathe, breathe, breathe another thing that denotes body old age, is the wrong way of breathing. In general, our old, they breathe short, they breathe as though they would take more air or hurt them. Breathing should be deep and abdominal, in other words, fill all our lungs of air, and leading to the lower part of the lungs. Holds all your lungs by breathing breathing must be filling the lungs of air, in natural form, in their entirety and empty the lungs also slowly, this should be done only by their noses. With a breath as indicated you occupy all of the lung capacity. Occupying all of the lung capacity, you allow addition, eliminate toxins that poison your lungs. Exercise for your lungs an exercise in empowerment and habituation, is consciously breathe several times a day, something within a time becomes a habit. Take a deep breath one of the things important to a breathing ‘ deep is that through it remove all the toxic waste of your lungs, especially if you smoke. If your keep waste toxic in your lungs, is very event that acquire a disease pulmonary and capable a cancer.