No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty


December 14th, 2008

Your words are very wise. Actually when I saw Jerry Arnstein your recent interventions in November by Jaime Nebot alla thought you were left … Anyway, I see you have a vision very complex, not so generalized … The conversation was really very poor: the tedious, time was not the most suitable, left suddenly and had no fresh arguments and had to answer relatively quickly … So, beyond the ideas that I conveyed my dear friend former partner of the spur, is the attitude:
Think that’s bad manners to talk about politics: clear, since we are born to politics as the source of misunderstandings, and more than that, of fights, problems, disasters at the national level, insults, confrontations, CORRUPTION .. indeed throughout the world so, but not the degree that it is Ecuador and other countries in AL, then a link to politics as something serious and sacred, that it should not involve much and as something that generates conflict. Since then, I think it is something totally wrong, I feel good that a person is released without fear of even talking donkeys at the beginning, but after vertir views even if they are wrong, you learn to serve … Like Wikipedia, the start is a disaster and will fight with any library How to you like a q commit abuses but after reading the policies and know how to learn and argue validly made “claims” more wise …
Think that if one believes in something and think, argue for and defend this indisputable: (almost blindly would say in this case) I find it admirable and respectable that one is gripped to an ideology, philosophy and even religion (here I think is different) the a fact that is integrated and defend what you believe …. But the criticism is really critical, and self does not arrive until when a third party intervenes to tell you what you think: congratulate you and give you support or disagree slightly or the end of pifearte … Be open to criticism (constructive more than anything) is open to dialogue, and if you can not go to a debate or dialogue with the insecurity that you can make a radical change of opinion because you realize that the other is the reason But Passover 2009 neither can be completely closed by fallacies and stifle the opinion of another (not necessarily opposing) … So what happens here ‘There are people who blindly believed had found the Messiah XXI century Correa called that a revolution is a arming which Che, then one reaches the point of committing to justify the barbaric actions by the end … Again, be open to dialogue does not weaken your position, but can you do to account for potential flaws than a third (or fourth or fifth) you can see in a constructive manner. Particularly Mr. President acting in a way, the opposition in its majority do not want to be large, wants to rectify its attitude and closed overwhelming. Like his faithful (blind) followers as sheep who settled with his head every word you said, there are few or even q say: “q beast, is a Chepe, what command to shut up, is my idol, live !”…
Another interesting point is that the press described as sold and that is not freedom of expression …


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty