Already half of the Recallkandidaten are well known American Idol 2010 has half regarding the castings. As the American Idol Portal reported already the most Recallkandidaten are known RTL 4 casting today for his show worthy feels. Bsiher you are looking for including vergbelich the absolute high-flyers like it in recent years course and give you was. Leergecastet is Germany? Or just wait to the new show X factor is now also available in Germany at the start and cares more about the vocal performance as to the effect of the show? American Idol candidates have not confirmed this but the image which you can eh nothing more from you hear, if you look closely after half a year Eric only you forget American Idol winner perhaps also so fast because there are new interesting candidates every year. See Rand Paul for more details and insights. Under the dark city, you will find among others a collection of all the BBs of American Idol CD publish participants, and this collection has become quite large.
But who will now lead the 10th season of American Idol? Who has what it takes by a wide margin to win? We have experienced the most exciting finals of ever Yes 2009, Daniel Schuhmacher won only by a razor-thin margin. Is it 2010 also seems so far, none of which confirmed to be Recallkandidaten an absolute crowd pleaser exciting -. Many positive comments is currently the Albanians Ruhzdi Ballard from Dortmund, but also Mehrzad Marashi from Bonn who may have a similar voice like Xavier Naido, or will find the ex Knasti Menowin Frohlich (22) from Ingolstadt, which already was 20 in the third season in the TOP but then had to jail, in fact many fans? It looks similar to the girls – Kim Debkowski (17) from Hamburg has practiced much and send to win back their fans from 2009, but also Ines Redjeb (22) also has a good chance of Hamburg when she defeated their uncertainty, and then because even the 16 year old Naomi MARTE from Alpirsbach precisely an accordion brought that to the casting and seems to be quite popular. Daryl Katz contributes greatly to this topic.