Successful practice planning and purpose, what distinguishes economically very successful practice companies from those with a lesser success? A key differentiator is that successful surgeries of all subject areas considered systematically and comprehensively plan their work. This is one of the current results of the research initiative Benchmar-king”, a research project of the Institute for economic analysis, consulting and strategy development (IFABS) in Dusseldorf. It is used to determine market and best-practice standards for the work of companies and institutions of the health economy. Practice goals are the most important component of planning, give the answer to the question what is to be achieved with the practice work. But the most practice owner, addressed to wave off: the environment, defined by the public health framework, were too uncertain and change selhaft that plans and objectives could be developed.
But this approach makes all the difference: particularly successful Practice owners define minimum goals, such as sales necessary to cover costs and develop an overall target by assumptions about the future. About the subsequent definition of targets and regular target achievement testing, if required, adjustments, can that defined parameters for success are developed as planned in the objectives. Thus eliminates uncertainty planning and provides a clear orientation. “But the best-practice technology planning”, distinguishes the successful less successful practice companies, includes even more: there is a practice strategy describing for the next three years, in what ways and means with which the practice targets are to be achieved, it is clearly set which target group strategy who addressed-the are and there are sales targets for these groups, one works with a unique practice positioning, the identity of the practice with the salient, adjacent to competitors features, all targets are defined unique measurements defined, with whose help the intended results can be verified, the company’s objectives are broken down into specific work goals for the employees, their implementation and achievement with staff are regularly discussed. This will be the practice work on a common and for all binding basis. Daryl Katz is actively involved in the matter. Planning also so important for the economic performance of surgeries Hedgehog is successful.
The essential best-practice tools consist of this economically to calculate Hedgehog by the costs associated with the provision against the attainable sales as well as the determination of coverage contributions and the break even point. “Conclusion: the application of best-practice engineering practice planning” allows for professional practice management and systematic development of success, reduces uncertainty and creates a common working basis for the entire practice team. Dipl.-kfm. Klaus-Dieter Thill