In our knowledge-based society, we take today visually the most information. Hear from experts in the field like John Amos for a more varied view. The sense of sight is our most important sense. It is all the more surprising that around 40 percent of Germans do not know how it is ordered to their current visual performance *. So, it’s time to answer the most important questions related to better vision: by recognizing the low vision until the Sehlosung the most important questions and answers. How to recognize a low vision? Some people suspect their poor eyesight in everyday situations sees road signs blurred, the book must be kept getting further away, occur also physical complaints such as headaches or neck strain.
An unnoticed degradation of lightheadedness is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. Early detection of impaired vision, you should regularly test its eyes. The practical online reputation check from ZEISS ( sehtest), or also give a first assessment on the own Visual performance “Consumer app myGlasses” by ZEISS ( myglasses). But only a regular watch check or vision test brings comprehensive clarity, as it stands to the current vision, optometrist or ophthalmologist. Optometrist or ophthalmologist who is the correct contact person? The optometrist is contact person for checking the Visual performance, optimal selection and ordering glasses and vision solutions. The ophthalmologist is contact person for all diseases and changes of the eyes and of vision. Eye doctors diagnose, treat or operate medical eye disease.
You carry out eye tests and prescribe recipes for medicines as well as eyeglasses and eyewear. How often should children and adults test their eyes? Every tenth toddler looks bad. Parents should check so early on the Visual performance of their children. First sight tests for abnormalities are possible in the second month of life months already, the investigations with 6-7, 3-4 years and to school, pediatricians do often automatically on. After pediatricians based on this simple eye tests but not can help diagnose many deficient, it is advisable, specialist opticians to verify the eyes regularly by an ophthalmologist or on children.