No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty


November 23rd, 2012

Sorologia laboratory the diagnosis is carried through through the detention of IgG, IgM, IgA and IgE for some sorolgicos tests in the first months: – Sabin Feldman? examination standard for toxoplasmose, detects IgG, but, for the complexity, it is of restricted use; – ELISA with capture of IgM? bigger sensitivity and especificidade; – ELISA with capture of IgA; – ISAGA? reaction of aglutinao for imunoabsoro? bigger sensitivity and especificidade in the detention of IgM, IgA and IgE that the ELISA; The IgG, initially, cannot be identified as of the proper patient, since the maternal antibodies pass through the placenta, having to be made a curve of the headings of IgG in the first months that, in case that they increase, indicate the infection of the RN. If the sorologia to suggest infection congenital, the treatment will be initiated. PCR? in amniotic liquid, blood and lquor. Lquor – Pleocitose; – Hiperproteinorraquia. Hemograma. Tests of heptica function.

Image – Ultrassonografia; – Cerebral Cat scan? multiple injuries, hipodensas with reinforcement ring; – Magnetic Resonance? examination standard. These examinations are used for detention of neurological injuries. Neurological, auditory and oftalmolgica evaluation. Treatment the precocious treatment leads to the cure of the manifestations and hinders sequelas, therefore, it must be managed same in assintomticos RN. Medication Pirimetamina Sulfadiazina Acid Espiramicina folnico Project symptomatic vInfeco – Pirimetamina – 2 mg/kg/dia of 12/12h, during 2 the 4 days; 1 mg/kg/dia during 6 months; to follow, 1 mg/kg 3x/semana up to 1 year. – Sulfadiazina? 100 mg/kg/dia of 12/12h, during 1 year. – Acid folnico? 5 the 10 mg? 3x/semana. In presence of liquricas alterations, to add Prednisona in dose of 1 mg/kg/dia of 12/12 h while to persist the alterations with gradual withdrawal. assintomtica vInfeco – Pirimetamina + Sulfaziazina + Acid folnico (doses above)? during 6 months and, to follow: Alternated monthly cycles – during more 6 months: – Pirimetamina + Sulfadiazina + Acid folnico (doses above) – Espiramicina? 100 mg/kg/dia of 12/12h vInfeco suspicion – Pirimetamina + Sulfadiazina during 1 month and to reevaluate the diagnosis.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty