The term Greenwashing (cleaning in green) is used to designate a marketing operation using organizations (companies, governments, NGOs …) to proclaim a responsible environmental image. Greenwashing is used to accuse certain institutions that spend more money on advertising ‘green’ that real action for the environment. It is a term used to describe the practice of certain companies, to give a turn to the presentation of their products or services to make them look as environmentally friendly. However, this change is merely formal and not substantive and therefore becomes a misleading use of green marketing. An example of this would be to change the packaging to a product made with chemicals harmful to society and / or the environment, making him look like friendly nature.Companies often use the Greenwash pora several reasons, one of them is singled out by society for their bad practices, another is that currently, products virtuosos emerged genuine political and social responsibility programs are finding good response part of the community. It is then that, trying to capitalize on this new trend, some brands simply put makeup to look like environmental friendly (environmentally friendly) without being necessarily. Some of the clearest examples of Greenwashing are achieved through misleading packaging, eco-labels exist or legends that are actually false, but marketers are very attractive as energy Eficiecia “,” 100 natural, “” Organic Product “or” friendly environment.