During pregnancy, ‘Follow, follow up and control of normal pregnancy (low risk)’ Request relevant blood tests (glucose, uremia, complete blood count, urine sediment and urine culture, Venereal diseases and infectious diseases, among others) ‘Request the echographic’ Request a Pap smear, breast and gynecological control ‘Request a dental exam,’ Request fetal monitoring (if necessary) ‘Ask for studies of medium complexity when there is suspicion any deviation from the normal state of health, for example, thyroid profile, serial ultrasounds when there is suspicion of fetal growth retardation, hypertension routines, test Oral glucose tolerance and / or blood glucose curves, among others. ‘Make a consultation with a medical specialist or drift to the woman, made the diagnosis of suspected impairment. ‘Take blood pressure’ Make the fetal auscultation (with stethoscope or detector-mail) ‘Make-uterine palpation to feel the baby, its location, growth, the amount of liquid, the weight gain of women, the observation the body as a whole, and so on. ‘It provides a place to speak and to assess other variables such as food, family and marital situation, to dedicate, their levels of stress, their culture, their beliefs, their fears, their fantasies, their worries, their expectations, mood, personality, etc.. ‘Provide current, accurate and complete information about routines, practices in obstetrics, the requested studies, habits, alternative therapies tives, and so on. ‘Cooperative relationship, not authoritarian between the midwife and the users’ queries have a duration of 30′ or more, depending on the case. “The visits have a periodicity. Up to 28 weeks are monthly, from 28 to the 32 every three weeks, from 32 to 36 every two weeks and after 36 weeks are weekly until delivery. Josyann Abisaab ‘It complements the ancient art and alternative therapies with modern technology and conventional medicine. During labor, ‘accompany the woman’ technical management to relieve pain naturally (eg immersion in water, massage, position changes, etc.).. ‘Listen to your baby’s heartbeat periodically’ Make vaginal examination to assess the progress of labor in the dilatation of the Neck ‘control uterine contractions and uterine tone (state of relaxation not muscle contraction)’ Keeps the woman, who working, hydrated, nourished and comforted ‘Check blood pressure, temperature’ Check other signs such as loss of liquid and / or blood ‘Attend childbirth, getting the baby and the woman taking care not to tear’ It deals the immediate interaction between mother and child, because he knows that on this depends the welfare and fast restoration of both ‘Assists delivery (delivery of the placenta)’ It deals with the physical examination of newborn normal ‘suture tears or episiotomies, if any ‘Make a timely consultation or referral to a specialist before a suspicion of any deviation or alteration during labor and / or delivery’ team used a midwife in a normal delivery include: fetal Detector (electronic) to listen to intrautero baby’s heart rate, sterile gloves, sterile scissors and forceps, Clamp (pin) for fetal umbilical cord, sterile gauze, sterile dressings, thermometers, blood pressure, portable baby scales, Metro, neonatal stethoscope, Surge absorbers (keep the environment clean and condition).