No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty


June 15th, 2012

Sleep is essential for life, for the good functioning of our organism, but mainly essential to our cerebral functions. As Lecendreux (2003, P. 27), ' ' sleep is a complex, natural, necessary function physiological to the organism and the brain, to restore an ideal standard of functioning of corpo' '. Therefore, the process of sleep must be carried through completely and effectively, so that it is possible to get the waited results. Results these that if they mainly relate to the question of the recovery of the physical consuming and of the functioning of the vital functions of the brain, moment where the information gotten during the day are processed, organized and stored in accordance with the necessities of the individual.

As Todeschini (2007), is during the sleep that the brain storages the information, the musical comedies is stored in the first minutes, whereas the referring ones to the logical and mathematical reasoning are registered in the final stages of sleep, during sleep REM. It gave credit that in sleep the activities in the biological and psychic systems were interrupted all of organism, perhaps for none another reason of what the lack of external stimulatons. But the discovery of Kleitman demonstrated that, even so the asleep body seems inactive, the asleep brain certainly is not (BECKER, 1993, p.15). In case that sleep is not used to advantage in all its largeness, it has great possibility to harm the logical reasoning, the planning capacity, the memory and others many important abilities to the life human being. It respects its body in the sleep that relaxes, untied, premakes use, it organizes hormones, eliminates the excesses, recompe all the cells of our organism, frees the unconscious one for the meeting with the universal energy. Sleep without racket, interruptions, telephone, with soft bed, sheets of cotton, peace, silence, tranquillity (SNAKE, 2008, p.78). Therefore, so that it is possible to understand the process as a whole, one becomes necessary to recognize the phases of sleep.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty