No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Music Usage

November 18th, 2023

“Less, and especially the right is more considerations for the use of music on Web pages that opinions of many Web designers go far apart: while it the silent group” consistently refuses to put any music on Web pages and they regarded as a distraction from the key, understanding prevails among many Web designers lately again that the efficient and targeted use of well produced and demanding music can significantly enhance a Web page. Not always, and if so, then more discreetly: in general you can determine that parties, which mainly serve the transmission of information or on the home have a very high density of Visual information, little or no music need. These include, for example, pages from the sections press, social, Advisory professions, engineering, banking and insurance. Attention alarm clock with entertainment value plus image amplifier: In contrast to this support is of course through music for all topics with advertising content: products and services in the Lifestyle, fashion, leisure, beauty and much more areas will benefit at an online presentation by supporting appropriate music. The music on a Web page should be to form a coherent aesthetic unit in connection with the design of the Web site and auditive positively depict the image of the product as well as the brand. For example, a classical music composition for the presentation of high-quality jewellery fits better than a rocking movement. In contrast, it may be not rocking enough in promoting a lifestyle article E.g.

for skaters and surfers. The target group or whose age and listening habits, plus image of the article pretend essentially where the musical journey should go. GEMA or royalty-free?: usually it is licensing easy decide for a royalty-free music, as it and the cost is relatively low. Also eliminates the registration with the GEMA and you can be sure that there are no consequential costs. Music search: Needle in a haystack: but where is the right piece of music come from now? There are plenty of providers, however turns out quickly, that a meaningful and quick music search is not possible at all, and the music quality is right. A pleasant exception is the Web page of music search has been solved by a clever filter unit very well and the music quality is very high. Loops, full and shortcuts, MP3s and WAVs: Of course the contents of a Web page load time plays a role even today in times of up to 100 M / bit fast information highways, but audio is negligibly small compared to video files with regard to the amount of data. A 30 seconds loop is file as a 128 kbps MP3 just once 460 kb in size and is quickly loaded using a good player. To test with demo versions: what also also liked us at is the ability to easily download music tracks to test after registration. These are available without disturbing audio brand marks.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty