3,4 Prevention Hygienic cleaning of the hands – crucial point in the Prophylaxis of the neonatais infections. One of practical the most important ones of prevention is considered. It must be offered, to facilitate and to stimulate this practical hospital for all the components of the neonatal team. Measures of blockade against the dissemination of multiresistant microrganismos? through the individualizado use of equipment and articles and institution of contact precautions. Cares with catheters – to stimulate formation of implantation teams and maintenance of these devices beyond use of manuscript protocols and care for all the members of the team of the unit. Precocious enteral feeding – preferential to stimulate the beginning with milk of the proper mother.
This practical provides the possibility of development of the intestine of the just-been born one, in special of the premature, stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, promotes the intestinal settling with microbiota bacterial materna (less pathogenic), it increases the alimentary tolerance and consequently it allows the reduction of the time of use of vascular catheters and parenteral nutrition. 4. PROCESS OF THE ASSISTANCE OF NURSING 4.1- Description RN of MJAM, 28 years, 3 son, was born after 38s of gestation in a Cesrio childbirth. The mother initiated prenatal in 1 the trimester and affirms to have appeared to all the consultations. The same one made use of suplementao of iron and acid flico, and related pain during the gestation. The RN of the feminine sex was born with 3.420g, measuring 48cm, equal PC 36cm, PT of 34cm. The APGAR of the just-been born one was of 7-9.
According to mother, to the rising the child delayed to cry and presented itself ciantica. She affirmed despite the suckle ' ' she caught in peito' ' but a time, and later did not accept more the diet. It was carried through in the same BCG vaccines and hepatitis B.