Ahead of this scene, business-oriented possibilities of the industry of the sport exist inside that, according to Pitts and Stotlar (2002), is the market in which the products offered to the purchasers become related it the sport, fitness, recreation or leisure and can include activities, good, services, people, places or ideas. Some of these forms of use of the esportivo marketing englobam activities as: esportivos sponsorships, events, licensings and surmountings, materials and promotion of sales. The sponsorship, for example, requires that the company if prepares to firm commitment and supports a guided it activity more becoming the people of what the propaganda. The events, therefore, must be directed for the chance businesses, the ones that appear in result of momentary facts, such as the exploration of the good phase of an athlete, of the success of a team or the rank en vogue of one determined esportiva modality. In if treating to licensings and surmountings, Kotler (2000) explains that they understand an agreement between two parts so that one permitted can use the process of manufacture, the mark, the patent, the commercial secret or another item of value that belongs to a licenciador, by means of the payment of a tax or of royalties.
The organization of a surmounting constitutes a contractual association between a franqueador and one made available, based, normally, in an only product, service or method of operation, marks registered or clear developed for the first one. It concerns in it to the esportivo material, Melo Grandson (2000), says that this material if restricts to the negotiations that approach the athletes to the manufacturers of products come back to the practical one of the sport in itself. The manufacturers not only equip the athletes for the performance of its activities, as well as they use its image to promote its proper marks and products. They are activities of short duration destined to take the consumers to an immediate exchange.