No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Common Privet

February 5th, 2022

For hedgerow shrubs are used with a small growth dynamics that can save the form. Depending on the height that you need this group can be divided into high, medium and low shrubs. High (from 2 m and above) – linden, maple ginnala, different types of hawthorn, apple. The average (from 1 to 2m) – Common Privet, barberry, cotoneaster shiny white dogwood, spirea and other gray. Low (below 1m) – dwarf varieties of spirea, barberry and other shrubs.

The sixth group. Conifers, which can be cut at any time of year and give them the desired shape in accordance with the place that they should take in the design of your garden. Spruce and pine, in order to make them more lush and dense crown, it is recommended to remove or shorten the shoots of the current year as soon as they appeared. Melvin T. Brunetti has many thoughts on the issue. As a result, on-site remote shoots, formed a few others, thereby increasing the plants crown and maintain a compact shape. Conifers are used for hedges are cut as well as plants in this group.

There is also the seventh group to which the fruit trees and bushes. To trim these plants require expertise that may be found in the literature or in a separate article. General rules for pruning. Katie Greene helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. This procedure should be as small as possible to injure the plants, so the tool should selected individually for each plant, depending on the thickness of the branches cropped. Thin branches are cut shears, cut down the thicker hacksaw or removed delimbers. The right cut or saw cut should be smooth surface and straight edge. If you cut a large, more than 2 cm in diameter, its obscure garden pitch, defending "wound" from getting the infection. When operating the instrument should be always clean and well-Edged. The cut must be oblique and it is desirable to perform on the kidney without leaving stumps. When sawing large branches should ensure that the branch did not break off, splitting off pieces of the remaining stump. Follow these guidelines and applying them in their garden, in practice, over time, you will gain invaluable experience and your garden will be beautiful at any time of year.

Fertilizing Plants

December 20th, 2011

The benefits of fertilizers are well known to everyone, even far from the cultivation of plants to man. And yet, during feedings, even experienced growers often admit annoying bugs. As a result, feeding not only bring expected benefits, but on the contrary – damage to plants. It is therefore important to repeat some simple rules for dressing. As you know, fertilizers are organic and mineral. And they both have their pros and cons advantages and disadvantages.

And yet, for it preferred the indoor flower fertilizer. They are more hygienic, odorless, easy to use and they can be easily bought at any flower shop. Exactly therefore they are used for fertilizing plants growers indoors. But chemical fertilizers worse than organic assimilated by plants, it is easy to overdose, which is a major mistake sometimes leads to tragic consequences for the plants. The first and most important rule to remember florist: "It is better to plant underfeeding than overfeeding!" If even one of this rule is limited, and this will enough not to harm the plants! We list a few simple rules. First of all, you must be the right proportion in the preparation of fertilizing solution. It is necessarily stated in the instructions and drug.

Fertilize only healthy plants and only during the active growing season. You can not fertilize the plant when he was severely dry up, or, conversely, have filled in, or if it is frozen, or damaged by disease. First you have to help him recuperate, and only when the plant starts to produce new leaves, you can gradually start feeding. Do not fertilize the plants immediately after transplanting, you also have to wait for the emergence of new seedlings. Make fertilizer necessarily in the damp ground, otherwise you may cause burn the roots. Undesirable penetration of the solution of fertilizer on the leaves and flowers can cause burns and unsightly stains. Recommended frequency of feedings depends on the particular species, an average of fertilizers are applied every 10-14 days.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty