No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Holistic Values

August 19th, 2021

Respect is the recognition of the inherent value and the natural rights of the individuals and the community. Liability personal liability in life comes from many expected and unexpected sources and implies join and participate, engage and cooperate. Simplicity simplicity grows from roots sacred personifying the wealth of virtues and spiritual values which are manifested in the attitudes, words, activities and lifestyle. The purpose of tolerance tolerance is peaceful coexistence. When tolerance recognizes the individuality and diversity, it eliminates the masks that create disagreements and dilutes the tension created by ignorance. Tolerance is the internal force that allows a person to cope with difficulties and dispel misunderstandings. Recently Lauren Weisberger sought to clarify these questions.

To delve into consciousness, can determine what is good and what is evil; tolerance develops the art of adapting to the problems of everyday life. Unit the unit is constructed from a shared vision, a cherished hope, an altruistic purpose or a cause for the common good. The stability of the unit comes from the spirit of equality and identity, noble values personified on the universal principles. Broadly has made mention of the spiritual values that we need for a formation of different human being, which are currently lives since it is observed that man with this action geared towards their destruction. Values indicated in addition to the holistic education, before are the response of solution to the creation-formation of human beings with a different consciousness level. Therefore, I reiterate that holistic education is the tube that would strengthen the achievement of the evolution of consciousness because it is necessary an integral society which has the necessary structures that allow the individual to live their spirituality: a society for lighting, a social context based on a culture of peace and a global ethic that allows the development of compassionate human beings that achieve your self-realization (2005(: 72) If we want to stop the violence, the destruction of man and the planet we have to change the educational paradigm cientificista-reduccionista, by one holistic, in which seeks the formation of a free subject, with wisdom, love, compassion that I acted according to their strengths towards other beings of their environment; as well as a full subject in their spirituality and happiness.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty