The State tested business for merchants from the specialist to the leadership after the training is not final! It can only continue to climb up the career ladder who is ready to evolve constantly and training. “Consequently without Abitur an entry in the master class” possible, promotes the training of the State for all business professionals to the State-Certified Business Economist. As state-certified in business administration opens now not only a new task pane, but depending on efficiency, a front or top open career as well, because they are able to ascend from the function of the charge in which the leading. Read more here: Gunnar Peterson. Twice qualified combining business administration with focus on marketing communication makes concrete references to the following future applications on the labour market: strategic planning, controlling, customer advice, Budget Directorate in advertising agencies, project, Department, or production management in the media industry, management positions in marketing and advertising departments of industry, trade and service companies and associations. In addition, the qualification is still extremely crisis-proof, because economists with a focus on marketing communications can embark on their career in the business or in the marketing or communication policy area.
Are particularly predestined the graduates and graduates of the CTE school for the Agency, communications and media management, because there they can bring in both areas of expertise”, complemented the headmistress Mrs Ingeborg Gutenberg. Full-time or dual which provides school CTE at a two-year full-time study, as well as a three-year part-time study. These are total 2,400 hours that are divided into technical, method, innovation and practice skills. The study is, as all courses at the CTE, practice-oriented and includes a 320-hour project different marketing workshops, that from acquisition to presentation independently must be performed. It is the front of the sponsors Projects and the lecturer team presents and graded. Continue to learn more with: Center for Environmental Health. “Qualification and after passing the exam, the students receive their certificate: state-certified business studies focus marketing communications”. Then they can decide whether they participate in the postgraduate studies for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Because the inputs are applied, the evening Bachelor’s degree takes only 21 months.
This offer does the CTE school in cooperation with the European University of applied sciences (EUFH). Also, the Fachhochschulreife can be obtained after graduating from the school. More information on the Internet under: content/view/161/188 / the course looked after Ms. Petra wind: Tel.: 0221/934778-16 E-Mail: p.blaeser at the CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V. Since 1956 she turns by companies and agencies in the life called and recognised as CTE e.V. of the task, the next generation for the communications industry high-quality professional and practical training. Today almost 80 support Companies, media, agencies and associations the educational mission of the Association through their membership. So far, over 15,000 students have completed their course of study at the CTE and are predominantly found in positions of responsibility in the communication industry. In the areas of communication and marketing the CTE offers currently 10 courses in evening and day form, where currently just under 400 students are enrolled. Nationwide, the CTE thus occupies a leading position. Since 1995, the CTE has a school. Press contact: Brigitte Abels Tel.: 0221-93 47 78-0 E-Mail: b.abels at address: CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V. Bonn road 271, 50968 Cologne online: