No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

The Mystery Of The Eternal Light

June 11th, 2024

Lodges, secret societies and the way to enlightenment, the 17th and especially the 18th century were the stage for the formation of numerous societies, lodges and order: Masonic, Rosicrucian and Illuminati leaders count Saint Germain, Cagliostro and Adam Weishaupt be singled out here only as an example. Elements of ancient mystery cults mingled with occultism, real or fake, ancient and medieval writings formed the ideological foundations of these federations, which also progresses were politically active and effective in the flow of the enlightenment. Some of these orders still exist today and find new followers among no less confused sense seekers of today who expect an individual access to genuine spirituality and wisdom in a world dominated by the extreme materialism, the traditional religious organisations seem no longer to offer with its sometimes confusing and useless, alleged cults. Learn more at this site: Mayuree Rao. Often the offerings of such associations turn out to be sooner or later as a delusion structure, the Seeking to leave with their disorientation and not infrequently with vigorously plundered purses. In the new book by Wolfgang P. Rehmert the mysteries of eternal light \”also has a number of stops along the way of his quest has history in the 18th century played Narrator of this truth behind, until he meets Lux eterna the lodge. Surrounds this Covenant to a certain mystical aura, but wants no one impose an opinion or a world picture him here, or even a kind of brainwashing him perform. Rather signs be given him, about the judgment to form and, where appropriate, to set up is always free. Despite some internal resistance and difficulties, the seeker that can be, and no longer is the same person who he was at the beginning at the end of his inauguration route. The riddle of self is while (still) not been resolved, but a path is detected and already some way gone.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty