No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

The Myth Of The Birthmark

October 6th, 2014

When caution discomfort, especially in visually conspicuous places as in the face is many women prepare moles. Marilyn Monroe or Cindy Crawford, however, made them famous. And also in previous centuries considered beauty spots especially seductive, so many women have followed the trend and helped up with dark spots. How the myth of the mole came about, why the small skin staining at all form and why the annual trip to the dermatologist is essential, the news portal reported The concept of the mole arose already in the 16th century. People of believe that would spread the beauty spots due to unsatisfied pregnancy cravings of the mother on the skin were at that time.

Indeed, it is now medically proven that the pigmented skin changes increasingly occur in pregnancy. The same is true during puberty, in advanced age or if you are taking the birth control pill. The number of pigment-producing cells is genetically set, can be improved but by environmental factors. Usually, an increased ultraviolet radiation causes the increased accumulation of points, stains and discoloration. The health of people with moles is generally not affected.

However, dermatologists recommend a regular observation of the skin. The well-known ABCDE rule (Asymetry, limitation, COLORIT, diameter, sublime) often leads to the insecurity of the patients, and advises the Berlin dermatologist Dr. Elisabeth Rowe to the proverbial ‘search for the ugly duckling’. Looking different and outstanding moles are usually the cause of benign or malignant lesions. These must be cut and subjected to a more detailed examination. Only the dermatologist to determine after looking in a microscope, whether the risk of skin cancer is over. More information: ../von-schoenheitsflecken-und-haesslichen-entlein/1/ contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty