The Era of the Olympics, so named to have originated in the Olympic Games in Greece, which were held every four years, was one of the oldest ways of collating the time. It established 776 years before the birth of Jesus Christ and consisted of four-year periods. It was introduced during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus by the historian, born in Sicily, Tauromenium timer who adopted in his writings as being a way easy and secure computing. The first mentioned is to Coarebus, but never used in civilian life, but in history. The first year of the Christian era is considered as the first year of the Olympics 195 years but since the Olympics began with the first full moon after the summer solstice, to early July, which is where we start counting the Olympics appears that the first six months of a year of the Christian era corresponding to the last six months of a year of the Olympics.The last six months of the Christian year, corresponding to the first six months of another year of the Olympics. A case in point: When we say that the first year of the Christian era for the first of the 195th Olympiad, should be understood to apply only to the first six months of the first year. The first six months of the first year of our era are for the last six months of the fourth year of the previous Olympics, 194. So the second year of the Olympics 195 commenced on 1 July of the second year of Jesus Christ.