No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

When Is A Sinus Infection Chronic?

April 23rd, 2020

The chronic sinusitis belongs in the hands of the ear nose and throat doctor. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. When a runny nose the nasal mucous membrane swells and the entrances to the sinuses are closed. Now can no longer drain the mucus out of the sinuses and ignite. Sufferers notice this by a considerable pressure in the face and pain in the upper jaw. Get more background information with materials from Charles Margulis . A sinusitis can pretend also toothache. It comes in the course of a normal cold these symptoms, a neck nose should be consulted immediately ear doctor.

He has the necessary experience and the instruments that are necessary for a safe diagnosis. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occur more than four times a year or longer than 3 months, complaints are then referred to a chronic sinus infection. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are similar to the acute form, but usually not as pronounced. Increased mucus, mucus in the throat”, recurrent infections, disabled Nasal breathing and smelling errors are the main symptoms of a chronic sinus infection. The chronic form can emerge from the acute sinusitis. However, this is a rare disease.

Rather, risk factors for the development of a chronic sinus infection are a bent nasal septum (septal), a Turbinate hyperplasia, allergies or nasal polyps. Therefore they consult an ENT – physician already at the smallest suspicion. This will perform a sonographic examination after a detailed investigation and sufficient suspicion and make a computed tomography of paranasal sinuses. Depending on the size of the findings is then either conservatively treated or advised even directly to surgery.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty