No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Luis Posada Carriles

May 18th, 2014

In the 20 months prior to the incident had occurred, at least, other 25 violations of Cuban airspace. In 1997 exploded bombs at several Havana hotels and at two Cuban tourist companies abroad. One of these monstrous acts blinded the life of the young Italian tourist Fabio DCelmo. In November 2000 were arrested by Panamanian authorities in Panama City, the terrorists Luis Posada Carriles, Pedro Crispin Remon Rodriguez, Gaspar Jimenez Escobedo and Guillermo Novo Sampoll, when they culminating preparations to execute an attack against the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro. The 11 September 2001 terrorist attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington and elsewhere was seen.

This terrorist aggression focused attention at the international level, as a result of the unnecessary losses of property and human lives. On 11 November 2002, a Cuban AN-2 aircraft was kidnapped and taken to United States territory. Instead of judging the 8 authors, they were granted asylum. The ship, instead of being returned, was auctioned. On 7 February 2003, in the midst of the alert anti-terrorist orange in United States, arrived without being intercepted and landed at Cayo Hueso a military vessel in the service of Cuban border guards with 4 armed men in camouflage uniform. Although the boat was returned, the hijackers were not returned to Cuba or were instructed of charges. Today the term terrorism has been treated in the world by several authors, among them: Noam Chomsky (2003), Salim Lamrani (2005), William Blum (2005), Michael Parenti (2003), Ignacio Ramonet (2002), Michael Steven Smith (1992), Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada (2007), among other authors of great prestige at national and international level. These authors agree that terrorism is the calculated use of violence or the threat of action violent in order to coerce or intimidate Governments or societies pursuing goals that are generally political, religious or ideological nature.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty