No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Oncological Rehabilitation

May 8th, 2015

Oncological Rehabilitation Clinic: adaptation to altered nutritional status improves health condition after stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer Triberg, Oncology rehabilitation hospitals to a so-called Gastrectomy or pancreatic polypectomy may 2011, help with targeted measures, nutritional disorders, dumping syndrome or reflux to relieve symptoms: eight small meals a day and digestive enzymes can reduce colicky pain after eating. Rest periods after meals, a sufficient fluid intake and strict adherence to a food – and drink curriculum are, for example, countermeasures for abnormal fatigue after meals. Because doctors in cancer patients remove stomach or pancreas, this often leads to significant disturbances in the digestive function. Oncological rehabilitation hospitals respond specifically to the situation of patients and provide also support for psychological or social problems in addition to treating physical ailments. Gastric cancer or pancreatic cancer is especially adapting the Food situation changed important”, says Dr. med. Hans Joachim Schlayer, chief physician at the Asklepios Clinic Triberg, clinic for Haematology / Oncology, follow-up rehabilitation (AHB) and rehabilitation in the black forest. Nutritional disorders are signs of a nutritional disorder after a few bites, colicky pain after eating, feeling of fullness bloating and weight loss.

This happens very often. Many small meals, such as eight per day, intense chewing and in addition taken digestive enzymes help relieve these symptoms. Depending on the patient, we support the digestive process of the patient with probiotics, calcium, trace elements such as iron or folic acid or vitamin B12. Primarily calcium is important, because one of the digestive enzymes, the lipase, calcium as a cofactor required”, so attending Schlayer. Dumping syndrome, another consequence of a partial or total removal of the stomach or pancreas is dumping syndrome. This syndrome is manifested by an abnormal fatigue after meals, sometimes by Attacks of weakness, dizziness and heavy sweating or even collapse will be accompanied. The weakness symptoms occur in the so-called early dumping within 15-30 minutes after meals.


March 10th, 2015

If doctors are at their wits end… 1980s. The patient, almost 20 years young, increasingly suffered from migraine. The attacks and increasingly severe were becoming more common. Finally, she endured approximately every second weekend in darkened rooms at as complete silence.

These attacks prompted them at the next examination by their gynecologist times carefully to ask, whether she maybe should… take a pill break for God’s sake! “, the renowned Essen doctor beat the hands over the head. Definitely not! You mess your body Yes!”you women must not everything on the pill push!”, he preached the patient further, that just completely naked and completely insecure stood before him. A link between the pill and migraine was never proven!” Finally, the slightly aged Lord enlightened the young lovers, young woman, that probably a weekend duty ‘ of the true reason for this unbearable symptoms was an inference may be based on completely unscientific, but your own experience. Weeks went into the country, the patient continued their contraceptive pill after the clear words of a woman doctor’s good. The distances between the migraines were always shorter the handle to headache or migraine medications, always more desperate.

A young man, barely in able to cope with the normal everyday life were added to permanent leaden fatigue, complete lack of motivation. Finally the first certificate of incapacity for work and yellow leave ‘ called. Due to migraine? Something is always fed ‘, probably thought the employers and provided immediately for a new employee who should take over the work of the patient. A termination was planned. The doctors returned the innermost outward, rolled completely around the patient, found no cause. The psyche of the young woman was tested, written an EEG, etc. etc. all without results. You are perfectly healthy, I can’t find. “, said finally. If you are Migranikerin, then you must accept if they terminate you. It cannot be expected to eventually a company. “, the young woman who was just at the beginning of her professional career, finally sounded. The doctors were literally at their wits end. Now a miracle had been during the past weeks and months so dramatically changed the physical cycle behavior of the patient that they decided against the admonitory words of the gynecologist, a pill pause to insert what followed now, must probably be a connection between the pill and migraine was ultimately never proven? The fatigue disappeared within a very short time. The lack of drive gave way to a hard-to-age energy and zest for life. The migraine was gone forever… (Ilia Faye)

Information Around The Topic Of Headaches And Migraines

March 9th, 2015

Questions one of which is the most common complaints about head pain & migraine headache. Almost everyone suffers from headaches, which is usually not a serious disease underlying every now and then. Here, the pain in different areas of the head can occur and have different causes. Primary forms, in which headache is referred to as an independent disease are, for example, migraine or tension-type headache. The headaches are just a byproduct of a disease as causes for colds or due to an injury, one speaks of secondary headaches. The causes of headaches that frequently are forms of headaches migraine and tension-type headache. But more than 200 types and triggers of headache are well known. Right now in the summer, including a trigger may be a heat stroke or sunstroke.

But also high blood pressure, meningitis, metabolic disorders or a cold can trigger headaches. What to do against headaches usually disappear Headaches after a short time of alone again and do not require any treatment. If the headache occurs more frequently and violently, a doctor should clarify the causes. The trigger of the pain is a cold, dehydration, or a hangover by excessive alcohol consumption, a therapy must not necessarily be. Who but suffers from severe migraines, should consider a longer-term treatment by drugs into consideration. Who wants to treat the pain, the trade offers a variety of effective pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin. It should be noted that painkillers should be not regularly taken over a longer period of time. Who would like to use any medicines, can also draw on massages, relaxation exercises or acupuncture for the treatment of headaches. For more information and a wide range of different drugs for the treatment of migraine and headache, see

The Social Aspects Of Migraine

March 5th, 2015

Migraine, their history and their position in society the migraine is probably as long as humanity itself. At least the first migraine attack on Papyrus was detained 2,000 before Christ. A throbbing, pulsating headache and visual disturbances were described by an Egyptian physician of Pharaoh. A migraine attack is obviously stated at Saul in the Bible. Light phenomena are described with a subsequent illness 3 days during his hike to Damascus. This disease was a pain,”as much as a thorn in the flesh. God refused the request of Paul, to befreien the diseased Saul, his suffering caused by stating that this “weakness his strength bedinge (acts 9 and Corinthians 12). The migraine as malicious beings was regarded in the middle ages.

Therefore, the treatment consisted of necromancy, exorcism and drilling holes in the skull to evil to escape can be. Were scientifically based the assumptions of t. Willis in 1664, that migraine comes from blood stasis of the vessels of the brain. The cause of this blood stasis in 1873 described E. Livieng as a result of excessive nerve discharges in the brain. Many famous personalities such as Empress Maria Theresia, Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, Wilhelm Busch, Friedrich Nietzsche, and many others suffered from migraine.

According to the popular belief in the 15th century with persistent headaches he stone surgically removed. Was alive with a chisel hit a hole in the head and the patient explains that the “stone”was removed. Unfortunately also in the migraine one company such as exists in all diseases of the nervous system not understandable and irrational taboos. While many people like to talk about your knee pain or heart medications, many migraine sufferers are afraid to talk openly about their disease. The fear of being stamped, as a hypochondriac or hysterics is also in the otherwise off-limits-poor Society still much too large. Even today, many people don’t understand their Mitmenschen suffering from migraine because of all the blood tests and x-rays are unauffallig.

There Is A Life After Death

March 2nd, 2015

As survivors discover life under the motto living with death “ARD in November 2012 for a week one of the last great taboo issues of our time attacked. While the loss of a man of who is close to us belongs to the deepest cuts in our lives. Everyone then takes time to cope with the grief. But not all wounds heal the time alone. Admit sadness and experience to cope with grief, we go through various stages of grief. Initially, we want to don’t have what happened.

We are surprised with what peace we take care of the necessary organizational tasks. Our emotions are blocked, then already soon even more violently to break up. The pain overwhelms us, we feel fear and anger, because we were leaving, looking for someone to blame or even guilt. And we miss the loved one so much it physically hurts us. Then we isolate ourselves we want to be alone with our pain, our longings and our memories.

While our fellow human beings are particularly uncertain in dealing with us, retire this time. If our grief in one of these phases will freeze, we can not overcome them, do not let go. We take the opportunity to redesign our life, and need help, the mourning may melt. Relatives and friends are often are overwhelmed or even affected; then, outside help is a sensible alternative. Realize the death, to turn to the life Busum balance accompanied survivors in familiar atmosphere in the grieving process. At the end is the acceptance of the loss and the survivor is ready, engage in a life after the death of the loved one. This also applies to deaths that have very long behind it, but not adequately processed and strongly influenced and affected the lives of the survivors. Here, too, grief can be done still. A short holiday on the North Sea, free of deadlines and obligations, and the healthy, salty sea air create spatial distance and a free header. The surviving fueling new energy and can pursue back to home life.

The Myth Of The Birthmark

October 6th, 2014

When caution discomfort, especially in visually conspicuous places as in the face is many women prepare moles. Marilyn Monroe or Cindy Crawford, however, made them famous. And also in previous centuries considered beauty spots especially seductive, so many women have followed the trend and helped up with dark spots. How the myth of the mole came about, why the small skin staining at all form and why the annual trip to the dermatologist is essential, the news portal reported The concept of the mole arose already in the 16th century. People of believe that would spread the beauty spots due to unsatisfied pregnancy cravings of the mother on the skin were at that time.

Indeed, it is now medically proven that the pigmented skin changes increasingly occur in pregnancy. The same is true during puberty, in advanced age or if you are taking the birth control pill. The number of pigment-producing cells is genetically set, can be improved but by environmental factors. Usually, an increased ultraviolet radiation causes the increased accumulation of points, stains and discoloration. The health of people with moles is generally not affected.

However, dermatologists recommend a regular observation of the skin. The well-known ABCDE rule (Asymetry, limitation, COLORIT, diameter, sublime) often leads to the insecurity of the patients, and advises the Berlin dermatologist Dr. Elisabeth Rowe to the proverbial ‘search for the ugly duckling’. Looking different and outstanding moles are usually the cause of benign or malignant lesions. These must be cut and subjected to a more detailed examination. Only the dermatologist to determine after looking in a microscope, whether the risk of skin cancer is over. More information: ../von-schoenheitsflecken-und-haesslichen-entlein/1/ contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty