No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Daily Nutrition

February 28th, 2019

Daily needs of an adult meal in an average of 300-400 grams. This is the "natural barrier" that is necessary for normal digestion stomach. CEO of Ford Motor Co. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. When we crosses this 'barrier' and eat instead of 300-400 gram, kilogram or more, 300-400 grams digested stomach is normal, and the remaining 600-800 grams digested poorly, and "settle" in the gut in the form of so-called fecal stones, hence the growing volume of abdominal fullness man! And since slags are high source of intoxication, and as a consequence of poor health! It's no secret that losing weight – one of the biggest problems at present. Millions of people around the world dream to lose weight and not more return to this issue. But how to lose weight right? Can I lose weight fast? Can I lose weight so as not to have more problems with weight? Correctly answer this question can only be a doctor – a specialist. After weight loss – It's active intervention in the metabolic processes of the body, restoring hormonal imbalance! Of course, if you want to lose weight will make a great effort! It is important to note that not only lose weight, necessary to maintain weight at the required level.

It must be remembered that the weight loss – is not only slim figure, but getting rid of many diseases. Get all the facts and insights with mark burnett, another great source of information. Lose weight to the first try, but do not scoff at a second, third approaches. Losing weight – it's emotional work. As soon as you start to lose weight, and have not yet dropped a single extra kg – once you start to think about food. It's like, how to quit smoking and only think about it – where cigarettes Lighter, but what about without a cigarette? And weight loss! Once you start, but even still not begun, but already wants something – something tasty, and you start to think only about this delicious, and then – as of tomorrow or even begin, continue after the holidays.


October 1st, 2016

If this leak is detected saline, it should be removed. Arterial line is connected to the central vein. Withdrawal pump at a given rate of perfusion is performed within 5-10 minutes from the speed of 30-50 ml per minute. Counting the amount of blood perfused begins from the moment you place it in the air trap. In the process of hemosorption should be mandatory to control both the speed and timing of the perfusion and perfusion pressure. Perfusion rate depends on the haemodynamic status, weight and patient-specific clinical situation. When using biospecific antiproteinaznogo hemosorbent 'Ovosorb' perfusion rate should be 50-60 ml / min. Perfusion time of 120-180 minutes.

During hemosorption need to monitor the readings of a manometer, state highways and krovoprovodyaschih level of blood in the air trap. The increase in pressure indicates thrombosis massoobmennika, traps or the return catheter, as well as spasm of the vein. If the pressure is normalized after recanalization of the catheter, it is obvious that in the extracorporeal circuit thrombosing not. If perfusion pressure monitoring catheter after the return continues to grow, it should stop hemosorption. Displacement of blood from the extracorporeal system by air.

For this krovoprovodyaschuyu line is disconnected from catheter of the fence, using pump perfusion created an excessive air pressure in the system, and blood on the venous fully returned to the patient's body. To prevent air embolism outlet end of the system after the disappearance of the level in air trap pinched clamp and pump off. Upon completion of the catheters flushed and filled with 'heparin cap'. Spadenie krovoprovodyaschih lines at the pump shows' lack of debit blood. " It is necessary to reduce the rate of perfusion, to try to change the location of the catheter of the fence, in the absence of positive effect of the catheter as soon as possible to replace. 'Lack of debit blood' often occurs in hypovolemia, whereas the central venous catheter sticks to the vessel wall.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty