No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Canary Islands

March 12th, 2024

12 of July 09. The number of people who this year have decided to submit to the oppositions of teachers has increased compared to 2007 in the majority of CCAAs while the number convened places descends. According to Center for Environmental Health, who has experience with these questions. Selected 6 of the communities with the highest number of places offered checks that the job offer had declined significantly compared to 2007, year of the previous call to the body of teachers. This has happened in almost all the bodies of officials, especially in those that offer a high number of places: as administrative assistants in the State, the bodies and security forces, etc. Andalusia, 1000 squares less the Andalusian autonomous community, is one of the autonomies that usually convenes a greater number of places. This year with 6009 squares the Junta de Andalucia has reduced its offer in almost 1000 seats compared to the previous and this has caused the total number of registered decrease in more than 3700 people. Despite this, the ratio of applicants by plaza has increased 10,52% from 4.75 to 5.25.

Madrid differs from the rest of Madrid case differs from the rest of CCAA since this year has offered 3500 seats against the 3000 of the previous call. Celebrity trainer may not feel the same. Paradoxically this increase in vacancies has not meant a greater number of registered, which has fallen in 2258 individuals with regard to the previous call. Thus we have the ratio of applicants by plaza has gone from 7.09 in 2007 to 5.44 in 2009. Valencia and Murcia, the two Board enrollees Levantine regions are characterized by the sharp increase of registered against the previous call since in both cases the increase is approaching 50%. The offer of places in Valencia has been reduced by 600 but the total number of enrolled has only lowered in 146 people. This gives us a rate of 4.93 people per square in this year compared to the year 2007 3.37. In Murcia have been convened 23 seats more than in 2007 but the number of people enrolled has grown in 3746 people. The ratio by plaza goes from 4.86 to 7.28 almost 50% higher.

Canary, the ratio by plaza rises slightly. In the Canary Islands have also reduced in 279 squares convened in this call, which has caused that there is a decline in 932 enrolled compared to 2007. However, the decline in registered not offset of the squares so we in the ratio of registered by plaza have increased 5.5 last 20% in 2007 to 6.29 in this year. The increase in the number of people who decide to go not only occurs in teaching if not also is going on in almost all professional fields, therefore the recommendation of Manuel Fandos, head of communications for the center of training Master-D, is the prepare thoroughly: exams preparation requires much perseverance and responsibility, require strength of will and above allIt is an effort that each opponent must face alone. However, in almost all cases, the objective compensated amply prior dedication. Manuel Fandos recalls the important thing is “choose a consolidated Center, equipped with own agendas elaborated by experts in each teachers of the materials, and provide each student the support that you need in every moment.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty