Therefore, the bigger precautions must be to especially involve practical of exercises the regular one, to minimize the risks of physical and social diseases. The Brazilian families in almost totality do not make use of economic conditions and physical structure to take care of of the aged ones, the programs and directed politics still leave to desire, the assistance programs try to cure the situation with activities that do not arrive to value the aged one as a rich citizen of experience and wisdom being able to enrich its keeping culturally alive community the history of that society, as well as capable to coexist normally executing functions and being able to usufruct of the garantios rights until then. People of the third age lack of a specific treatment and individuals that if always involve and are with it. Many are abandoned and eliminated of the society, interned in shelters, or even though jailed in its domiciles and for familiar. Very it is complicated aged to accept this fact to it.
It is observed that aged they die due to a next contact that generates love, security and good treatments. It is necessarily there that the physical activity enters, that acts as reintegrador of this person the society, favoring of this form the direct contact with other individuals of the same age, the interpersonal relationship, the work in such a way physicist how much mental, increasing its auto-they esteem and benefiting its health. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE OAK SON, Eurico Thomaz of;. Geriatria: bedding, therapeutical physician and. So Paulo.
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