No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Energy Balance in the Body

December 30th, 2021

If you "would rather die than You give something," then you have an addiction. And this addiction to the drug. Sugar – a liar, a snake, is very tenacious and malicious. And, as Typically, you do not notice him until as long as the consequences do not come to you and not destroy a large part of your body. We must make our body fit for survival.

It is necessary now, when we are faced with radioactive discharges, when the water system is contaminated, when the constantly emerging new diseases. Continue to learn more with: Herbie Mann. No matter what conditions we are, our body's energy balance should be such that we are protected from these disease. Bacteria and viruses are present everywhere, but not all people infected by them. Diseases are not subject to those who strike the right balance in their bodies. Macrobiotic food – this is what is necessary for survival. Macrobiotics gives us the necessary balance in the right proportion, the correct percentage of fruits, vegetables and grains.

So we restore normal body functions, normal and natural level of sugar in blood. You do not need sweet cakes, cookies, and sweeteners. To maintain a balance of yin and yang in the body, you need sugar in some form, and the best form – it's vegetables. Summary of Pure refined white sugar from cane or beet tsukroza, is a narcotic substance. If you use sugar in food addiction is formed. This dependence is associated with the action essentially sugar. The essence of the sugar takes away the vitality of the cells the human body, which uses sugar. Sugar itself does not contain life. If, for example, add sugar to the berries alive in the ratio 60%: 40%, the resulting product, jam, will not ferment. This simple experiment shows that sugar, being completely dead, it destroys life, which comes into contact. No one can survive by eating one sugar. Even the bees can not live on honey. They also eat pollen (protein) and salt. Each sugar has a vegetable origin. By the sugar adjacent natural sweetness of honey, extracts of barley, rice, corn, maple syrup, etc., in a broader sense, it also includes fruits and other foods with overly sweet taste. These natural products do not cause addiction, but if they are consumed in excess, or constantly, you may cause effects similar to those described above. Do not be fooled by the fact that honey and other sweets are natural and therefore safe. To maintain a balance of yin and yang in the body, you need sugar in some form, and the best form – it's vegetables. If you eat red meat, which is an extreme yang, then you need to concentrated sugar, which is an extreme yin. Conversely, you experience a strong desire to sugar when you eat meat. You can opt out of red meat and replacing it with fish or turkey, or chicken and you can exercise restraint in this and you will see then that disappears and the need for sugar. If you want sweet – eat more vegetables, chew them well, eat grains, fruits, moderately sweet, but not overly sweet. You do not needs to be in the sweet, in the fruit sweeteners. You do not need flour products such as cakes and biscuits. You can get your desired sugar, vegetables, eating them in sufficient quantities. It is very important good chew vegetables and enjoy their sweets. Also, cereals and grains should be good chew well, so that manifested their sweet taste. They are all sweet and this sweet – true sweetness. Article from the website

Treating Sinusitis

June 27th, 2020

For a healthy person breathing through the nose – a natural process. When we inhale air nose it is warmed and humidified before it reaches the lungs. Thus, nose to protect our lungs from hypothermia and infection. When the nose is stuffed up, we start to breathe through the mouth. And soon, it leads to dryness of larynx and pharynx, respiratory tract inflammation, which causes bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

What is sinusitis? Sinusitis – an inflammation maxillary sinuses. Maxillary sinuses are very small outlet openings into the nasal cavity, about 1-3 mm. When there is swelling, these openings are closed, and in the mucus, which begins to accumulate, organism (eg, acute infection); allergy adverse environmental factors, polyps, and various tumors in the nasal passages, congenital anatomic disorders of the nasal cavity – the curvature of walls, increase in nasal turbinate and other symptoms of sinusitis: discomfort in the perirhinal area turning into pain. A person who develops sinusitis may experience pain that the morning would be the least expressed and to evening, will only increase. This pain is often perceived as a common headache.

Sometimes, sinusitis can cause pain in the upper teeth or cheek. Here, Tai chi expresses very clear opinions on the subject. runny nose. People suffering from sinusitis, there are festering nasal discharge. difficulty of nasal breathing. Symptoms of sinusitis may also be nasal voice, and nasal congestion. Obstruction can be alternately – not breathing then left, then right side – and to the general, when the nose is not breathing at all. swelling of the face. In the sinus can be observed swelling cheeks or age. When unilateral sinus swelling occurs, usually on the affected side. increase in body temperature. In acute maxillary sinusitis may can not be. Chronic sinusitis occurs when repeated acute inflammation, as well as chronic rhinitis. general fatigue. Patients suffering from sinusitis, often complain of fatigue and weakness. May observed sleep disturbances and loss of appetite. What threatens disease maxillary sinusitis? When sinus infection develops into dangerous proximity to the brain. And late visit to a doctor audiologist can lead to the appearance of complications such as chronic purulent sinusitis, meningitis (inflammation of the meninges), myocarditis, renal damage, hypertension, nervous disorders and other serious illnesses. Treatment of sinusitis. Treatment sinusitis is aimed at to relieve swelling of nasal mucosa and to the outflow of mucus from the sinuses. Methods of treatment: medication – the use of inhalers, sprays, nose drops. Appointment physical treatments. The use of antibiotics and antihistamines. nasal lavage – removal of mucus with microbes and allergens. surgical treatment – maxillary sinus puncture. It is made in order to effectively. The technique is YAMIK-procedure patient is in a sitting position. Produced anesthesia and anemizatsii nasal mucosa. Sinus catheter is inserted into the nasal cavity. With a syringe through a valve into the tank sinus catheter is introduced air. In the nose and throat swells rear balloon sinus catheter. Then the balloon is inflated front unit. Next adapter attached to the syringe and the piston moves back and forth creates a negative and positive pressure in the nasal cavity. When you create a negative pressure, the pumping of pus from the sinuses. After that, the adapter attached to another syringe containing the drug doctors, otolaryngologists () having the highest category, academic degrees and a large clinical experience. You can get advice of experienced ENT physicians. At the clinics, "Dynasty" You can cure sinusitis using the

Dental Issues

March 13th, 2019

What are sealants? Seal is a natural barrier to the development of pathogenic bacteria, as well as saturates tooth fluoride, strengthening tooth enamel. What are sealants? Fissure sealants – a filled and unfilled low-viscosity composite resin chemical or light curing. By their nature, they are hydrophobic. Blind Sealing pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of small and large molars is an effective measure to prevent tooth decay. This method is based on the principle of prevention to avoid contact of carbohydrates and microorganisms of oral cavity and enamel fissure. How is the sealing of fissures? To begin the tooth is thoroughly clean of plaque with a brush and paste, and then dried in air. Further fissures treated with 32% of the acid etching for 30-40 seconds, washed with distilled water and again dried. Then they fill the liquid phase of the composite filling material.

Under the action of ultraviolet light curing material is 40-45 seconds, then remove the hard head carborundum excess and grind in the material on the chewing surface. What is the life of sealants? According to some authors, fissure sealing is effective for 5-8 years. How much does it cost? Fissure sealing allows save quite a large sum of money. If we compare with the treatment of caries, fissure sealing is cheaper than a factor of 2-3! Which teeth should apply sealants? Fissure sealing is best done on the molars, as well as in dairy teeth. What gives such a procedure? 1. Reliable protection of teeth from dental caries: excludes food and bacteria from entering under the sealant. 2.

Stop caries in the early stages (stage white spot "): Seal blocks access of the substances necessary microflora, the bacteria cease to proliferate, and the pathological process stops. 3. Protection of the tooth from secondary caries. 4. Supermodel is actively involved in the matter. If the tooth is the treatment and is filling, the sealer is additional means of mechanical fixing of the seal, thus prolonging its life. Can I use dental floss, if costs sealant? After sealing the can and should use the thread floss. Sealants – a only the first big step in protecting teeth from caries. Brush your teeth, use dental floss, eat, and most importantly, regular visits to the dentist – a necessary preventive measures and sealants without them. Stomatology 'Ruzan'

Daily Nutrition

February 28th, 2019

Daily needs of an adult meal in an average of 300-400 grams. This is the "natural barrier" that is necessary for normal digestion stomach. CEO of Ford Motor Co. often expresses his thoughts on the topic. When we crosses this 'barrier' and eat instead of 300-400 gram, kilogram or more, 300-400 grams digested stomach is normal, and the remaining 600-800 grams digested poorly, and "settle" in the gut in the form of so-called fecal stones, hence the growing volume of abdominal fullness man! And since slags are high source of intoxication, and as a consequence of poor health! It's no secret that losing weight – one of the biggest problems at present. Millions of people around the world dream to lose weight and not more return to this issue. But how to lose weight right? Can I lose weight fast? Can I lose weight so as not to have more problems with weight? Correctly answer this question can only be a doctor – a specialist. After weight loss – It's active intervention in the metabolic processes of the body, restoring hormonal imbalance! Of course, if you want to lose weight will make a great effort! It is important to note that not only lose weight, necessary to maintain weight at the required level.

It must be remembered that the weight loss – is not only slim figure, but getting rid of many diseases. Get all the facts and insights with mark burnett, another great source of information. Lose weight to the first try, but do not scoff at a second, third approaches. Losing weight – it's emotional work. As soon as you start to lose weight, and have not yet dropped a single extra kg – once you start to think about food. It's like, how to quit smoking and only think about it – where cigarettes Lighter, but what about without a cigarette? And weight loss! Once you start, but even still not begun, but already wants something – something tasty, and you start to think only about this delicious, and then – as of tomorrow or even begin, continue after the holidays.

Baylor University

August 28th, 2018

Attenuated gastric mucosa, easily arise ulcers. Moreover, it became apparent that if the hormone is released glyukokordikodny constantly and in large quantities, it has a serious impact on the brain. This hormone triggers the mechanism that kills the cells' sea ridge '(hypothalamus) – part of the brain associated with memory and learning. Excited, damages, , a professor of Faculty of Biology, Baylor University (USA), says: 'The most striking and disturbing discovery made in recent years in clinical psychology, said that the constant turmoil and anxiety cause the death of neurons in the cells 'sea horse', which are believed to be associated with the formation of memory. " Mental turmoil is also deeply linked to immunity. Under stress the adrenal glands secrete a large number of distinguished adrenaline and noradrenaline.

If the amount of adrenaline vozrostaet, the deteriorating effect immune system. As the number of norepinephrine decreases the activity of natural killer cells that fight cancer cells. Thus, it is clear that with the dominance of the sympathetic nervous system, immune system reduced, and the body becomes more susceptible to disease. In addition, the glucocorticoid hormone, vyrabatyvoyuschiysya under stress, contributes to the thymus atrophy-producing cells, resulting in will be subject to its influence. That is, even when faced with external action, the person is exposed (or exposed) influenced him, depending on their reaction to it. Flexible thinking professor of medical University of Japan (g.Hakamatsu) Takada Akikadzu wrote: "That in itself is neither positive nor negative, some people causing serious injury, leads to changes in their nervous and hormonal systems. AND This, combined with the personal characteristics of people, can cause these people depressed state of mind, and at worst – a depression. This is because there are individual differences in the perception of events.

Work consciousness of the human psyche and can hurt to have a devastating impact on the physical body and nervous system. " In other words, when there is an incident, there is no definite teachers, books or television. In this case we put ourselves wounds and spoil relationships. So try as soon as possible to find flexible ways of thinking. Tips on how to reduce stress: Do not expect perfection from yourself Quick hodboy.Raduytes nature creations Boga.Nahodite time to be in odinochestve.Staraytes sleep and do not forget about otdyhe.Pitaytes healthy pischey.Osoznavayte the limits of their physical and emotional vozmozhnosteyObschenie – one of the best ways to deal with stress, so trusting conversation with a life partner, colleague or friend uspokaivaet.Nelzya underestimate the sense of humor, laughter produced during endorphins and decreases the level of adrenaline. Let me introduce your assistants to combat depression and stress: Nervostabil-effective for the increased excitability of central and peripheral nervous system, cramps, headaches, insomnia, nervousness, including menopause, and tachycardia associated with stress and nervous tension. Relakson – used with increased nervous excitability, and psihostenii nevrostenii, stress, hysteria, hypochondriacal and depressive syndromes in psychiatric disorders, sleep disorders, insomnia, mental fatigue at elevated, reduced memory, emotional

Chronic Hepatitis

April 15th, 2018

Chronic hepatitis – a chronic liver disease that may result from allergic and toxic effects of alcohol, toxic industrial and household chemicals. Very often, after recent infection with chronic hepatitis hepatitis affects the liver. The main signs of the disease are weight loss, weakness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, loss of appetite, enlarged liver, in some cases – dropsy. When inflammation of the liver, traditional medicine recommends Highlander avian (grass) – 2 tbsp. l. Everlasting Sand (flowers) – 1 tbsp.

l. St. John's wort (herb) – 1 tbsp. l. Olhovidnaya buckthorn (bark) – 2 tbsp.

l. Calendula officinalis (flowers) – 2 tbsp. l. Chicory (root) – 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile (flowers) – 1 tbsp. l. Preparation: 5, Art. spoon collection pour 1 / 2 liters of cold water, leave for the night, the morning of 10 min. prokipyat, 30 min. insist. Take 1 / 2 cup 3 times a day before eating. When inflammation of the gall bladder Peppermint (leaves) – 2 tbsp. l. Everlasting Sand (flowers) – 1 tbsp. l. Wormwood (herb) – 1 tbsp. l. Fennel is an ordinary (fruit) – 1 tbsp. l. Yarrow (herb) – 1 tbsp. l. A series of Trifid (grass) – 1 Art. l. Take a brew with 0.3 cup 3 times a day, knot-grass (grass) – 3 tbsp. l. Everlasting Sand (flowers) – 1 tbsp. l. Preparation: herbal tea pour 2 cups boiling water and infuse 1 hour, then strain. Take 4 times a day 0.4 cups. Weight loss and general weakness of Valeriana officinalis (root) – 2 tbsp. l. Everlasting Sand (flowers) – 1 tbsp. l. Fennel is an ordinary (fruit) – 1 tbsp. l. Motherwort five-blade (grass) – 2 tbsp. l. Take a brew in a glass front sleep. St. John's wort (herb) – 1 tbsp. l. Valeriana officinalis (root) – 1 tbsp. l. Horsetail (herb) – 1 tbsp. l. Chicory (root) – 1 tbsp. l. Prepare decoction and take 0.3 cup 2 times a day (morning and evening). Watch a three-sheeted (leaves) – 2 Art. l. Valeriana officinalis (root) – 1 tbsp. l. Peppermint (leaf) – 2 tbsp. l. Hops ordinary (cones) – 1 tbsp. l. Dandelion (root) – 1 tbsp. l. Take a brew of 0.5 cups of morning and evening.


October 1st, 2016

If this leak is detected saline, it should be removed. Arterial line is connected to the central vein. Withdrawal pump at a given rate of perfusion is performed within 5-10 minutes from the speed of 30-50 ml per minute. Counting the amount of blood perfused begins from the moment you place it in the air trap. In the process of hemosorption should be mandatory to control both the speed and timing of the perfusion and perfusion pressure. Perfusion rate depends on the haemodynamic status, weight and patient-specific clinical situation. When using biospecific antiproteinaznogo hemosorbent 'Ovosorb' perfusion rate should be 50-60 ml / min. Perfusion time of 120-180 minutes.

During hemosorption need to monitor the readings of a manometer, state highways and krovoprovodyaschih level of blood in the air trap. The increase in pressure indicates thrombosis massoobmennika, traps or the return catheter, as well as spasm of the vein. If the pressure is normalized after recanalization of the catheter, it is obvious that in the extracorporeal circuit thrombosing not. If perfusion pressure monitoring catheter after the return continues to grow, it should stop hemosorption. Displacement of blood from the extracorporeal system by air.

For this krovoprovodyaschuyu line is disconnected from catheter of the fence, using pump perfusion created an excessive air pressure in the system, and blood on the venous fully returned to the patient's body. To prevent air embolism outlet end of the system after the disappearance of the level in air trap pinched clamp and pump off. Upon completion of the catheters flushed and filled with 'heparin cap'. Spadenie krovoprovodyaschih lines at the pump shows' lack of debit blood. " It is necessary to reduce the rate of perfusion, to try to change the location of the catheter of the fence, in the absence of positive effect of the catheter as soon as possible to replace. 'Lack of debit blood' often occurs in hypovolemia, whereas the central venous catheter sticks to the vessel wall.

Internal Organs

December 6th, 2011

The omission of the internal organs prolapse (prolapse) of the pelvic organs 'Prolapse' literally means 'loss', but this term is understood in modern gynecology and 'omission'. You can compare what it looks like location of the pelvic organs are normal (upper figure). and in the presence of prolapse (lower figure).. On the descent they say, when any part of the vagina or uterus moves into the lumen of the vagina or beyond. Correct name of the disease: the omission of the pelvic organs. Healthy female pelvis Prolapse of the female pelvis in all normal pelvic organs (uterus, vagina, bladder, urethra, rectum) fixed to the walls of the pelvic bone with a firm fascial and ligamentous-muscular system, called the pelvic floor muscles (see the article "Anatomy of the pelvic floor muscles'). But because of the upright walking human influence gravity, under certain influences, and in general netrenirovannosti pelvic floor muscles, internal organs are punching the pelvic floor muscles, through the uterine gap. The reason for the weakening of pelvic floor muscles may serve a variety of factors: birth vaginally, (especially if they had 2 or more, if they proceeded with complications, with large and poorly healing fractures, the use of forceps, etc.), age change, which is especially important after menopause, heavy physical work, lifting, chronic cough, chronic constipation, obesity, inactive lifestyle, heredity, it is often associated with structural features of the connective tissue, part of the ligament, which is prone to sprains or breaks.

There are 3 degrees of prolapse genitalia: the uterus is displaced downward, but the cervix is within the vagina are below the genital slit (this condition is also called a complete prolapse). In the early stages of a woman may not know about the presence of her prolapse. Often the first sign, especially in young women, is a deterioration sexual activity (problems with the onset of orgasm, inability to cut the pelvic floor muscles, which reduces sexual sensation, promotes the ingress of air into the vagina, reducing the satisfaction of the sexual partner), women called 'pelvic floor dysfunction'.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty