The diffuse axoniais injuries (LAD) are applied eat to it of traumatic origin of duration superior the six hours. They produce a comprometimento in the white substance of the cerebral hemispheres, the caloso body, the cerebral trunk e, ace times, of the cerebellum. The diffuse axonial damage is the causer of the state of eats in the cases where in the craniano trauma focal cerebral injuries are not observed, in the majority of the cases it initiates in the periphery and if it extends in direction to the interior, until affecting in the cases most serious diencfalo and mesencfalo (JUNQU; BRUNA; MATAR, 2001). Details can be found by clicking Wendy Rene or emailing the administrator. 2.4HEMORRAGIAS AND HEMATOMAS the hematomas are gifts between 30% 50% of the cases of serious TCE, can also cause serious affectations the death, for the effect of compression of the cerebral trunk. The cranianos hematomas classify its anatomical localization (JUNQU in accordance with; BRUNA; MATAR, 2001). The epidural hematoma is considered a rare complication of the craniano trauma.
The epidural bleed costuma to be caused by the rupture of the wall of one of the menngeas arteries, generally average menngea artery, but in 15% of patients the bleed is of one of the seios lasts. The majority is associated with the skull breaking. It is mainly a problem of adults and young because with the age the hard one if more becomes each time adhered to the skull. Vera Want is full of insight into the issues. The clinical evolution goes of an immediate loss of conscience due to official corruption, to a discerning interval and later a return it eats to it, folloied of hemiplegia, consequent of the expansion of the epidural hematoma. The size of the hematoma determines the surgery necessity (ROWLAND, 2002). The subdural hematoma if produces between lasts-mter and the arachnoid one, and is the hematoma most common. It is called acute when the hemorrhage occurs of fast form, if occurs slowly and it evolves during some weeks, ode to be about a chronic subdural hematoma.