No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Hygienic Factors

October 2nd, 2012

The important aspects of the work for the growth necessities are called factors Motivation. As for the hygienical factors it affirms that they are those that the people must receive from the companies as a minimum so that they are strengthenn in the work. They include: 1. Conditions of work and comfort 2. Politics of the organization and administration 3. Benefits 4.

– Wages 5. – Security in position 6. – Relations with the superior and the colleagues. Herzberg concludes that, later that these factors is satisfied, it does not advance to try to increase one of them to obtain greater motivation of the professionals. The expression hygiene serves accurately to reflect its character preventive and to show that they are simply destined to prevent insatisfao sources. Nobody goes to work with more tenacity because a company decides to include, for example, a odontolgico plan as I benefit additional.

However, if the people will not be satisfied with some of these factors, them do not go to strengthen themselves very. In this context, Chiavenato (1983, P. 283) concludes: ' ' The hygienical factors do not obtain to raise substantial and the satisfaction lastingly. However, when they are precarious, they provoke insatisfao' '. While the theory of Maslow is based on a structure uniform, the hierarchy of necessities and of Herzberg in two classrooms of factors, both rest in the implicit swaggerer of whom &#039 exists; ' a way melhor' ' to motivate the people, either by means of recognition of the pyramid of necessities human beings, either through the application of the motivacionais factors and the enrichment of the position. However, the evidence has demonstrated that different people react in different ways, as the situation where they are placed. Victor H. Vroom (1964) developed a theory of the motivation that rejects preconceived slight knowledge and that it recognizes these individual differences.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty