a Skills: A set of abilities or skills to do something well or easily, what someone is doing it with grace and destreza.a Why am good? Asked particularly recent graduates. And the answer is that it is not easy to know because they lack resources and environment interaction in radically different from those who have been exposed in their pasado.a It's only when you shake your comfort zone, stretch you and challenge you, when really limitaciones.a know your strengths and Vocation: Tilt which a person feels toward a profession, inspiration and call for a person to make a estado.a Vocation is an extension of the passion, but with a focus on service and delivery. I do not mean necessarily to do works of charity and beneficence, but to exercise a service in a systematic and disciplined than the market values. For example, an artist can take your passion to paint a canvas of large-scale urban projects, or a scientist to the massive dissemination conocimiento.a Vision: Perception with any sense or intelligence, ability to foresee or to present something that will ocurrir.a This topic focuses on the scene of representation in history that we can create for us a good story mismos.a define relationships and interdependencies, a sequence of events, cause and effect, and helps us set priorities to strengthen the course of action deseado.a A vision is a good story that begins with the establishment of a identidad.a Essence: Nature of things, what most important characteristic of something concentrated extract of a substance, substance extrae.a The essence is the synthesis of the elements described, is what you are, what shapes you, what defines you above all in the making, also of the being and the pensar.a Your essence is the first step.
No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty
Monthly Archives: October 2011
Preconceived Ideas
The first thing you need to know to uncover this lost secret is desired that the concept of clarity, for its effective functioning is related to the breakdown of your paradigms. What does this mean? Then there are preconceived ideas you have, most often hidden in your unconscious, that will not let you move forward rather than consciously put all your effort in doing so. The key is to do constant exercises to identify what is behind your limitations. Often happens that one in the background, conscious, sets goals and to perform actions that should lead to happiness, but this process is interfered with by lack of clarity, that is, because you do not have clarity on what the real underlying ideas and limitations within you, deep inside of you, in your subconscious. The strange thing is that these ideas, these paradigms, so harmful to our progress and our happiness, we stay in so long, probably since we were children, until we are as people, and they are there, basking in a process feedback with our fears and our weaknesses. And you can not reach them, you can not reveal the secret lost, if you change your perspective and find that it is to create what's behind your motivation, your hopes, your failures and your attempts to achieve them. It can be tricky at first, but if you concentrate on identifying and hold your paradigms, those that do not let you move forward, for example, come to the conclusion that you have low self esteem because your parents never wanted to remind you how valuable you were or concerned with extolling your virtues. Then say, "Well, I'm so in this aspect of my life because it was really so, but it happened, I'm an adult and now I have the control and I can really prove to myself how much I am worth." That means that you have obtained clarity, you are beginning to uncover the lost secret and thus, analyzing the real motivations of the issues holding you back in life, you can cash them delimiting slowly and begin to break your paradigms. Then will come the right time, everything will start to flow and the limitations will disappear, you'll be free to fulfill your dreams and desires. Eliana The founder and editor of Creaturealidad.com gives your newsletter registration to the digital book "Eight behaviors that will take you to success and prosperity" in addition every week the best information on the Law of Attraction, positive thinking, success, personal growth , cases, tips, exercises, worksheets and more. To receive the digital book click here: