A salmonella infection is caused by certain bacteria, salmonella. These can be E.g. infested food. You can already much has heard of salmonella infection (salmonellosis). There are bacteria that have a stick form.
You can trigger very serious diseases. These include the food poisoning, typhoid, paratyphoid, accompanied by high fever. The germs are dangerous. You can get in drinking water or food. This happens when you neglect the hygiene rules.
Is a person suffering from salmonella, he eliminated many bacteria in urine, and also with the Chair. In the disease of salmonella, there are no differences or a classification according to gender: it all can become ill. But of course there are weaker people who are particularly affected. So, children and the elderly have a strong immune system and can withstand worse salmonella. How can I protect myself against the salmonella? Simple hand washing brings much benefit. One should always and everywhere do that, but especially, if you have to do it directly with the food. Soaping and rinsing thoroughly with plenty of water are very important. There are now so many types of salmonella, one counts approximately 2300 different bacteria. Actress contributes greatly to this topic. They attack the stomach and intestinal tract. And it’s not only people but also animals are affected. There are some difficulties in treating salmonella illnesses, because just the main agent against several remedies are resistant. It is dangerous at high temperatures. The salmonella feel very at home here and multiply rapidly. When the salmonella illnesses you get diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, vomiting. You should put no vegetables there, where you what had to do with other foods, which could have salmonella. What foods would include? The example includes the following meat: poultry, all kinds of wild, molluscs and shellfish. Handling of these products, you should take care on the cutting board. The plastic cutting boards are better than wooden boards because they are easier to clean. Cut meat and vegetables on same surface should be avoided. You can avert the danger of salmonella by more hygiene in the kitchen. More often, one would have to change almost every day the wash cloth. There are those that you can also wash. Some foods spoil quickly, which should be in the fridge. Special care must be taken with poultry and egg-based products. Must you won’t leave this products. What can you do to keep the salmonella infection? The preparation of the food is important. Considering the simple rules, while the salmonella illness can erupt. The food must be well cooked, the heat of 70 degrees should be achieved. Is discovered the salmonella infection, so treating the sick with antibiotics. During this phase, also the liquid is very important, it must be sufficient. There used to be many more cases of salmonella illnesses. The consciousness of people has changed. You know now the products better, which could represent a risk of salmonella. The people had to learn to deal with such food in everyday life. Anyone can contribute much to the prevention. The rules are pretty simple. By coming together in agriculture, in factories, in kindergartens, schools and other public facilities to the thing properly, the salmonella have no chance.