Influencing others is the dream of politicians. Is it only them? No, of course not. Most of us live them managed to achieve some effect on people. It is a vital necessity. Everyone is affected in some way by the behavior of other human beings. Hence the need arises spontaneously in any way to influence them.
To achieve such effects rather than an elusive goal is rather an inevitable result. All we influence others by our mere presence. At least should divert its course to avoid colliding with us. But beyond that, like it or not receive our influence. Influence is thus not a problem for anyone.
The question is rather to influence people we want, when we want and in the direction that suits us. Are privileged who can do it, it's true. But it is not purely a gift beyond the reach of normal people. The ability to influence is a quality that is learned. Much has been talked about subject, perhaps too much. There is a lot of myths in the influence that anyone can exercise over others. But there are misconceptions especially regarding the way that can be achieved. In this regard I wish to clarify three things: Influencing others is as necessary as possible and inevitable. To achieve it in the desired direction just to learn some ideas and skills. Can not be influenced at any time about anyone in our own way if they were puppets. Regarding the latter has come to speak of the existence of techniques "mysterious" able to hypnotize the audience.