No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty


January 30th, 2012

Let's try with you to understand what is meant by atherosclerosis, whether it is dangerous to life and can anything be done to him. To begin with we give the definition of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis – a process of fat deposits in the interior arteries. What is the process? – Alas, to no good. Consequences of atherosclerosis are plaques that block the vascular lumen, with all its consequences – sickness, pain, heart attack … Arteriosclerosis develops at all with small children.

Each of us is destined to own the intensity of this process, but there are factors that accelerate atherosclerosis of the arteries, which we may impact – it's not smoking, eating fatty foods, as appropriate diet, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption. And according to our forces there to get rid of the effects of atherosclerosis – atherosclerotic plaques? Some offer miraculous techniques and products to "clean up blood vessels," but until today the most effective methods are coronary stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting. Stenting – is a medical procedure, the essence of which is to extend the existing restrictions of the vessel. It is implemented by means of stent – a special device that is inserted inside the container and place restrictions expands, thus eliminating pripyatsvie for blood flow. Aortokoronaronoe cardiac bypass – it's an open operation to create a 'workaround' for blood flow, bypassing thus covered with atherosclerotic plaque plot coronary artery. What to prefer – stentiroanie or coronary artery bypass surgery – doctor decides. In summary, the treatment of atherosclerosis is not that easy, then you can not – drank tabletochku and kicking myself! Lead healthy lifestyle, do not abuse the fatty foods, alcohol, or smoke – then the likelihood of rapid development of atherosclerosis is significantly reduced! Good luck! Based on materials from the site Dr. Lieberman

Harmony of Body and Soul

January 15th, 2012

The new route 'Harmony of body and soul' in the new year we have a route 'Harmony of body and soul', this route will pass through the most wild places of the mountain area where there is no nearby villages no roads, clean mountain air and crystal clean water, is only the first factor detoxification program in the campaign, we will consciously engage in cleansing our body, is primarily a balanced diet, without various additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, etc. The main diet will be present on the route, it is a living food, not processed by heat treatment, it is fruits, vegetables, nuts, all that gives energy to our physical and subtle material bodies, special complex decision-spring water, will help to clear all the internal organs of the body, breathing techniques that purify the blood and the consciousness of debris, and of course hike over rough terrain will give an enormous cleansing whole body, all this together can help you lose unwanted goods issues, internal slags, and lead you to creating life. Well, the place itself is very impressive for its beauty, we visit along the route Caves, rivers, peaks, lakes, and of course at the end of the campaign sea we will have a truly wonderful air and salt water. Esoteric tourism..


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty