R the human body, nowadays, is being observed and tratadoatravs of a vision relacionista, and less reducionista. Thus the cutaneous alterations can be associates the psychic riots as cause or as effect. For A.MONTAGU (1988) the skin is the mirror of the functioning of the organism, with color, texture, humidity, dryness, etc. and thus, each one of its too much aspects, reflects our state of being, our psychological one, our physiological one. For GROSSBART (in a text of GOLEMAN and GURIN) our skin can be compared with clothes that never we take off, but as everything that we dress, dumb as the mood ours of each day and the occasion.
We can have that the skin exerts a factor of protection, shelter, and is accurately here that we can stand out the bonds between emotional riots and the illnesses of the skin. The skin also acts as a dentro-fora limit, I-other, I it world, and thus it is a faade that protects in them and at the same time it displays in them. ANZIEU (1989) affirmed that the skin is the envelope of the body, as well as this envelopa the psychic one. We can until daring to say that the skin nothing more is of what a thermometer of ours I, our emotions, our temeridades, our desires, etc Old already if it spoke of a neurodermite, wanting to emphasize certain aspects of a nervous origin for eczemas (of the Greek kzema), that it is about an illness of the skin where vesicles, exsudao and scales if make to notice. The psicodermatolgicas clutters can be described through a division: – 1) psicofisiolgicas clutters (eczemas, acnes, psorase, seborricas, urticrias dermatitides, etc.). 2) primary psychiatric clutters (tricotilomania, excoriations neurotics, etc.). 3) secondary psychiatric clutters (vitiligo, etc.) the states of estresses, depression, fears, phobias, anxiety and others, can with certainty, to configure and to make to unchain psychic ruptures and dermatological ruptures in susceptible people, at a moment of bigger emotional fragility. Therefore, if you present some singular dermatological characteristics, search aid through a medical support and psychological, that certainly will be able to offer a clinical support to it for the confrontation and consequence improves of such discomfort. The Psychoanalysis left of being a science auxiliary of the psicopatologia and if it also converted into the starting point of a deeper, indispensable psychology for the considered understanding of normal (S.Freud, 1900) the Source: Scielo Psychology for Suely Bischoff Axe of Oliveira email.