No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty


August 17th, 2012

It is important to be intent the certain illnesses, as: of Marek, aviria Bouba, of Newcastle, infectious Bronchitis and Gumboro, in the hour to create a vaccination plan, however, each farm is different of the other and needs, therefore, of cares and programs of different conservation of health that take care of its necessities, in conditions of good handling the only obligator vaccine is of Marek (LANA, 2000). Discarding the birds are called discardings that if find outside of the average standard of development of the lot. This discarding must be made precocious possible, thus preventing losses with ration (LANA, 2000). Source: Registers the registers are basic to raise the levels of quality and productivity, as well as monitoring the hygiene and the sanitary control (LANA, 2000). HANDLING OF 12 DAY To the EXIT OF the LOT Is in this phase, that according to Lana (2000), the chicken reaches its maximum potential of development. Cares in the Exchange of the Equipment the exchange of the equipment, for the definitive ones must be made of slow form and gradual, from 3 day comedouros and water throughs already can be changed by definitive, them must be adjusted to the size of the birds and must be always clean (LANA, 2000). Program of Light always Remains the program of the beginning of the handling, importing itself in observing if the light bulbs are burnt and clean and if the illumination is not exceeding the 22 maximum of 20 lmens/m (APPLEBY et al, 2010). Handling of Bed is carried through the same cares of the beginning of the handling, that is, cares with empastamentos, emptyings of water throughs, cleanness constant etc. (LANA, 2000). Handling of Ventilation the ventilation is important, therefore it supplies oxygen, it renews carbon dioxide and other toxic gases, it regulates the temperature and it assists in the control of the diseases and the humidity.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty