INTRODUCTION the puerprio is a period where if they process the involutivos phenomena of the pregnancy. In the immediate puerprio beyond the woman to suffer physiological changes has its attention directed toward just been born. Thus, one does not allow essential cares, that can facilitate in cares with the baby. A puerperal of quality and humanizada attention is basic for the health materna and neonatal and, for its humanizao and qualification. Illness becomes necessary to construct a new to look at on the process health/, that understands the person in its totality body/mind and considers the social environment, economic, cultural and physical in which it aims at to establish new bases for the relationship of the diverse involved citizens in the health production, users and managers, and the construction of a culture of respeitos to the human rights, between which the usual rights and the reproductive rights are enclosed, with the valuation of the involved subjective aspects in the attention.
The objectives of this research if bases on pointing the immediate cares in the puerprio and telling the main cares with the woman in this important phase. I searched to justify in my research that the immediate cares in the puerprio need special and qualified attention to provide to an attendance differentiated to purperas of normal childbirth or Caesarean childbirth preventing complications, infections, hemorrhages, among others. According to Health department, (2002) was observed that the puerperal attention is not consolidated in the health services. It would like that the return of the woman in the first month after childbirth was not only the concern with the evaluation and vaccination of the just-been born one. This work is about a bibliographical revision, that it aims in accordance with to explain in definitive care the indexado theoretical referencial, being able to be made of independent form. For elaboration of this research, it was necessary to consult works published in scientific books, articles, reviewed, in accordance with proposal previously selected. .