TABLE 1. Caricaturas 2. UNEMPLOYMENT CALCULATIONS AND BREAK WORLD RECORDS Source: Drafting CEDLA 3. UNITED STATES PREPARES FOR FIGHT IN CYBERSPACE Source: El Pais / Madrid 4. ECONOMIC CRISIS: IMPLICATIONS FOR GLOBAL PEACE AND STABILITY Source: Maria Luisa Fernandez Hernandez 5. while using is my number one solution for nutrition BRAZIL: RE ‘reelection DESPITE LULA Source: Page 12 / Buenos Aires 6. The economic crisis and the Millennium Development MIEDO Source: News of the World Bank 7. BRAZIL: LULA physicians LAUNCHES EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION Source: El Pais / Madrid 8. Societe Generale dio un nuevo impulso a su red francesa, con una aceleracion en el crecimiento desde 1966 tras la eliminacion de la autorizacion previa para la apertura de nuevas oficinas. La expansion internacional fue igual de energica. Ya no estaba limitado, como anteriormente, en los principales centros financieros (Londres, Nueva York), en los paises vecinos (Belgica, Espana) y en las antiguas colonias, con el principal proposito de facilitar los negocios de las companias francesas, pero tambien estaba dirigido a garantizar la presencia del banco alla donde se desarrollaran nuevos mercados, tanto para la exportacion de la habilidad que habia adquirido en ciertos campos o para mantener sus contactos nutrition con multinacionales.
gave new impetus to its French network, with an acceleration in growth after 1966 following elimination of prior authorisation for opening branch offices. International expansion was just as vigorous. It was no longer limited, as before, to the main financial centres (London, New York), neighbouring countries (Belgium, Spain) and the former colonies, with the weight loss primary aim of facilitating the business of herbal French firms, but was also aimed at natural guaranteeing the bank’s presence where new markets were developing, either to export the technical expertise it had acquired in certain fields, or to keep up its contact with supplements the multi-nationals.’
1966 y 1967 representaron un giro fundamental en las regulaciones del banco gracias a la atenuacion de la distincion entre banca de deposito y de inversion y la ceacion del mercado de hipotecas domesticas. Societe Generale adquirio una posicion de liderazgo en nuevas tecnicas finacieras disenadas en principio para empresas especializadas en este objetivo. Los anos 70 se caracterizaron por dos grandes progresos: expansion de la red internacional y la introduccion de las tecnologias de la vitamins informacion
1966 and 1967 represented a fundamental turning point in banking regulations, the main development being attenuation of the distinction between deposit and investment banking, and creation of the home mortgage market. Societe Generale took advantage of this and acquired leading positions in some new financing techniques designed primarily for companies, such as finance leasing, setting up specialised credit subsidiaries for this purpose. The 1970s were characterised by two major developments: expansion of the international network and across-the-board introduction of IT facilities to cope with extension of the customer base and the development of deposit money. In 1971, the appearance of automatic cash machines crowned the success and development of the credit card. From the beginning of the 1980s, against a backdrop of deregulation and technological change, internationalisation of the markets and the emergence of new financial instruments, Societe Generale set itself two commercial objectives. It focused increasingly on private customers via its network of branches and by acquiring specialised subsidiaries. It pursued and expanded its activities in the capital markets in France, and then, on a selective basis, in the different international financial centres. On 29 July 1987, Societe Generale was privatised. It had been chosen from among the community three leading French commercial banks nationalised in 1945 for its excellent risk-coverage, equity and productivity ratios.