No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Breathing For

December 24th, 2014

Through practice, the mind is becoming aware of its capabilities, limitations, strengths and weaknesses of the body, and that's where begins a balanced work and thought to improve the physical and mental. Strengthening the power center, power center, or simply center or neutral ("powerhouse" by J. Pilates), is the key. Located on the lower trunk (abdominal and lumbar), enables the body to move freely and evenly, avoiding movements and / or compensation harmful. All body movements are initiated and are supported from the center, which helps keep the body balanced. Breathing plays an important role as it incorporates all the exercises to strengthen the center, for better breathing and with it the development capacity (strength and flexibility) of all muscles of the body.

The results of good practice are significant. Increased lung capacity and improved blood circulation are the first purpose intended, to translate into strength, flexibility, good posture and mental coordination. Instead of perform many repetitions of each exercise, Pilates preferred to perform more precise movements, requiring control and form. He created over 500 different exercises. Pilates is very suitable for people with medical problems, however they must have a medical evaluation to approve the application of pilates or which restricts certain exercises.

Exercises Here is a handy reference to the Pilates exercises. Alignment and Breathing For this you need a mat or soft surface where you lie down. The first thing to do is learn to breathe properly. To do this you lie back on the floor and perform the "alignment" of your body, that is, you lie fully stretched with your chin almost touching your chest, neck stretched straight and your shoulders aligned with your hips, your back straight and supported as much as possible to the ground, your arms stretched out next to your body with palms facing the floor and toes together and open your legs straight and ankles together, feet fall naturally to the sides.

Margaret First

June 13th, 2011

They have taught me what I think should and should not be done. For example, the roll of Margaret and James, teaches that problem a couple things you should not do a husband, behaviors that should not occur: a husband should not be overprotective of women, should not deceive his wife, do not pigeonhole her women in a specific role, in this case, the mother and the a Marujaa . a P. What is your role as (woman / man)? Who taught you your role? a R. I do not think you have to have a role as a man, but I have him as a human being. Sex is superfluous for me.

This taught me the same as the previous question. a P. Being a man, did you have your goals easier or harder? a R. Yes, to me has provided a favorable light. a P. What experiences in your life most important point to as having been a change in yourself? a R.

My studies. Engineering. Changes in school and friends. Choosing my first job. Job changes. Becoming independent of my parents. My first couple and the others. Know my last pair. a In between all of them out two as the most important, although others also have been: first, the decision to start a family with my last partner because, in part disappears myself, and because we must assume new responsibilities and adapt to living together, secondly, the decision to take responsibility for people in a company because it implies an approach to work, responsibility, so to work, to challenge, too unlike anything done previously.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty