Benem rita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla School Of Medicine Department of History and Philosophy of Medicine Comments on the book: “TREATY OF USE, ABUSE, PROPERTIES AND STRENGTHS OF SNUFF, COFFEE, TEA AND CHOCOLATE” For Lic. Don Antonio Levade surgeon exercise 1796 Present: Saul Sanchez Eduardo Contreras Joaqu n Vel zquez Mora Ericsson Selecting Text Dr.Domingo P rez Gonz lez TREATY OF USE, ABUSE, PROPERTIES AND STRENGTHS OF SNUFF, COFFEE, TEA AND CHOCOLATE Section One In the first section of this book deals with the description, comparison and the uses to which they gave to snuff, also raises a strong debate between those who support the therapeutic use of snuff and those who consider it harmful to human health, although the Full text seems to be in favor of the benefits of snuff, in Chapter VII, which is exposed is the correct way to use snuff, and cites the works of various authors who have confirmed the healing power of the controversial plant but this text seems to understand that you have a good understanding of this subject is necessary exposure of the other side of the coin, and devotes a special chapter to it, citing each and every one of the ideas that expose the disadvantages and harms the use of Antarctica bugloss (another name given to this plant). The text would seem fair but not here in the next chapter refuted each and every one of the ideas of opposition, and I think they tried to discredit those who had once said, at this point we no longer needed, the following described the text, not for want of trying, but maybe it is prudent that we stop our analysis of this section and let us turn our attention to the next section. Section Two It has been used in the first paragraph of this section only to emphasize the age of the coffee and has been described with a precision that few could do. This text repeats much feel that things, though in a very subtle and to approach it described differently, yet in the following paragraphs are quoted different kinds of coffee and just a few of the positive effects that you find when this seed is roasts, grinds and prepares boiled, so you can drink, makes recommendations for preparing this drink, hoping that their effects are as enjoyable for the consumer. Unlike the previous section in this not being quite sure of the advantages of the use of coffee, so although in Chapter IV outlines the therapeutic virtues of drinking this drink, in Chapter V outlines the disadvantages that may occasioned by the consumption of it.Already for the final part discusses other types of coffee and applications, and makes observations about the difference that there is, not only between these types of coffee, they also wonder why the difference between the effect grains which produce tender and the effect of them once they have been treated for coffee. Section Three Another remedy was the famous medicinal use of Te, which may originate in China-Japan land, which from time immemorial been used to bring relief to the people. Tea, is homemade, was very jealous care by the Chinese, who kept the best for them and distributed medium quality tea to the world, maybe we were impressed by the many ways in which it was prepared tea, and is not to be ignorant only knew through their consumption of beverages, which sometimes served hot and cold ones.