Apple’s smallest server is now available mini server, also at the 84 German Apple premium resellers on the spot, the Mac. Apple premium resellers offer now also Germany far Mac mini server on-site – installation and training by certified technicians 0 percent leasing Hamburg, November 16, 2009 – Apple’s smallest server is now available, the Mac mini server, also at the 84 German Apple premium resellers on the spot. Since launching on October 20 Apple had offered exclusively the computer specifically tailored to the needs of smaller working groups. Now, customers have the opportunity to purchase the server from a local dealer and consult individually for the first time. With two 500 GB hard drives and OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server-equipped computer from 949,00 EUR cost.
Optionally, you can install also Windows as the operating system. For enterprise customers, it is particularly important to have a contact person for your server locally and we are therefore the best point of contact with our 84 colleagues in all Germany\”, says Wolfgang Pape, spokesman for the Apple premium reseller. The Mac mini server is aimed with its compact size of only 16.51 x 16.51 d x 5.08 cm especially in smaller companies. With its two 500 GB hard drives, 4 GB memory and a 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and the pre-installed OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server for an unlimited number of clients is Apple’s smallest server but also for growing workgroup ideal. Installation and training by Apple premium reseller since small businesses often do not have an own system administrator, offered optionally the setup of the server at the customer’s site the 84 German Apple premium reseller. Also training personnel certified by Apple are possible. We have the experience that we often can take the last fear of the new computer and operating system many windows ridden corporate clients with this offer\”, says Pape.