(Or a curious application of model K bler-Ross)
Elisabeth K BLER-Ross1, psychiatrist, presented his model known K BLER-Ross
for the first time in the book On Death and Dying (1969). In this model, no
criticized and / or various points, five stages can be identified
differentiated by the person who happens to some life events
stressors, such as the breakdown of the couple, the loss of, or in an extreme,
confronting one’s own death from a terminal illness, which is
final event of the most famous. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression
and acceptance, are, in order: although in some cases do not have to
chronological be so and may well overlap, the Stages of
According to this theory to human psychology before passing any situation
Consider each phase in more detail, starting from the reference
a prognosis of death:
The “model K BLER-Ross’ five stages observed since the
person knows the prognosis of death to the total acceptance of reality or
imminence of it. In this sequence, we discover the consecutive phases
beginning with the stage of denial. Anxiety is the protagonist of this phase.
The stage of anger, which is marked by anger and resentment – “Is that yo ‘
or why me ‘. “The stage of agreements or trying to delay the time
of death, for example, “let me live at least until my grandchild is born” -. The
stage of depression, in which the person can express their deep sorrow. And,
Finally, the stage of acceptance and resignation, which, after passing
Upstream, the distance from the subject is world around him and prepares to
It is curious to see how this theory has tried to move to other areas
that the psychology of emotions becomes vitally important. This is the
If the stock markets, what we all know as’ The Bag ‘.
On Friday April 4, 2008, was published on the website, a
reference to this fact. Here, in detail, to be a translation
this theory. What is striking in this application, I think it deserves at least a
review, analyze it from a scientific point of view and without claiming in
any time, frivolous attitude on a subject as profound as
is death, mixing it with something as superficial or not such as
crematisticas gains or losses. An Honoree of the Governor’s Committee on Scholastic Achievement, is managing partner of EnTrust Capital
Well done this, the note to which I refer, reads as
‘(‘). In the world of psychiatry is a faith in the five-stage model
Kubler-Ross. This model can also be applied in other areas, including credit
crunch2 today. First there is denial, a refusal to accept the facts.
Then there is anger, the emotional reaction to the facts. Third comes a
1 (Zurich, July 8, 1926 ‘Scottsdale, Arizona, August 24, 2004).
2 A credit crunch (from English, crunch, and credit), or liquidity crisis is a financial phenomenon
consists in reducing the money available to lend, limiting the opportunities
borrowing for consumers (which implies a reduction in consumption) and investment
employers (which limits the economic growth).
stage of assimilation, when the person tries to accept the situation in their own
terms. When this fails, reaches the fourth stage ‘depression’ when the
reality will be ruined. In the end it’s acceptance, which leads to a distance
emotional objectivity.