No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty


September 9th, 2019

Most people, including most women know the unpleasant symptoms of a bladder infection. The reason why mainly women fall ill with inflammation of the bladder, is located in the anatomy, the urethra in women is much shorter than in men. The cystitis is an infection of the lower urinary tract, and it is, as the name implies, an inflammation of the mucosa of the urinary bladder or the entire wall of the urinary bladder. This inflammation can occur both acute, as also chronic course take and return again and again. The most common cause of a bladder infection is an infection with bacteria. The intestinal flora, Escherichia coli bacteria, which then go through the urethra to the bladder are most responsible. However, a bladder infection can be caused by other bacteria.

During sexual intercourse, or in the toilet the bacteria in the urinary tract can get by smear. Fungi or viruses can cause even a bladder infection, which occurs but only rarely before. Especially in the cold season, the dissemination and proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract can foster a weakened immune system or frequent freezing. But also pregnant women have an increased risk to a bladder infection, as can often slow drain by the unborn child urine and germs remain longer in the urinary bladder. The typical symptoms of a bladder infection include the frequent urge to urinate, unpleasant stinging pain during urination and pain in the lower abdomen. Usually only a small amount of urine excreted in the toilet. So that the bladder infection can be cured completely, and passes an acute cystitis in the chronic form, it’s a doctor should be consulted if a bladder infection is suspected. Because the inflammation is kidnapped and rises, an uncomfortable inflammation of the renal pelvis may arise as a result or even a blood poisoning.

Usually, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, reducing the risk of new infection. Supportive to this therapy much should be consumed. Hot baths can get a little relief from the pain. To prevent a bladder infection, care should be taken also, that sufficient quantities are drunk. Especially cranberry juice can help, that bacteria won’t settle and can spread. Health information, as well as the complete guide to learn more at


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty