No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Certified Coolness + Jochen Schweizer Even More Pleasure In Climate Protection =

January 16th, 2015

Climate is cool and fun. Especially this week Munich, September 20, 2010 – certified coolness in the settlement of a half tonne of CO2 a limited number of vouchers for experience gifts from Jochen Schweizer attaches. Double joy: you reduce your CO2 emissions in a secure, high-quality, transparent and simple manner and at the same time to buy your dream adventure gift from Jochen Schweizer with a price advantage. Certified coolness was founded to help climate protection the coolness status. We must bring the issue of climate and environmental protection from the Musli corner and position in the center of the society, connect with experience and joy”as Mr. cool Ness alias Arturo Amorim, CEO and Ambassador of certified coolness. Therefore, certified coolness combined with art & life art and also with cool actions such as this week of Jochen Swiss climate protection.

Certified coolness gives everyone the opportunity to participate in the financing of CO2-compensation projects in emerging CE certificates of the United Nations. Everyone in the portions, as he or she wants: small with 250 kg CO2 compensation, medium with 500 kg and large 1,000 kg. With us, there are no complicated calculations, but self-determination,”as Mr. cool ness. “This also applies to the vouchers: Although we make recommendations, but the vouchers can be used for all experience gifts.” Climate and environmental protection seems boring for many and populated by fundamentalists, concerns carriers and black supervisors. Abstention, waiver and bans alone won’t help.

“We need another way: bold and unique,” says Dr. Renate Muller, co-founder of certified coolness and is responsible for product development. That’s why we very pleased the cooperation with Jochen Schweizer. For 25 years he goes his way successfully.” The Stuntman and adventurer of yore has now become a successful, responsible and thoughtful businessman and father. For Jochen Schweizer it no longer involves higher, faster, further, for him, something else is one.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty