No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Chronic Complaints

March 16th, 2024

Naturopaths Wolfgang Scholz from Munich-Pasing informs the neural therapy was developed by physicians Dr. Walter and Dr. Ferdinand Huneke and assumes that chronic ailments are caused by interference fields (fractures, scars, etc.). Any body who is pathologically changed or was, can become the field. With targeted neuraltherapeutischen treatment of interference fields, blocked heal itself can again be set in motion. See more detailed opinions by reading what Gunnar Peterson offers on the topic.. The neural therapy and their applications the Naturheilpraxis informed Scholz from Munich-Pasing.

Elimination of interference fields by injection in the neural local local anesthetics (numbing medicine) with low concentration at a certain point of the body be injected to induce a healing effect in the organism. The injections are superficially in the skin or under the skin. The injection, the body uncramps and the self-healing are encouraged and increased. This has a positive effect on the throughout the body. This not only the acute pain to be switched off, but much more its cause and other complaints are achieved and healed. For this reason, a survey and examination of the patient before any treatment is essential to localize the pain. The neural therapy is a holistic, effective and low-risk form of treatment for the treatment of acute and chronic pain conditions. Neural therapy – diverse areas – acute diseases musculoskeletal diseases such as back pain and neck stiffness – sports medicine – internal diseases such as asthma, stomach ailments, bowel disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders – gynecological diseases such as menopausal symptoms, cycle disturbances such as hormonal disorders – psychosomatic disorders such as sleep disorders, anxiety, fears, heart palpitations and vegetative edginess of various cause – neck, nose ear diseases such as sinusitis and Mittellohrenzundungen – headaches and migraines, cluster headaches, etc.

-. Nasal sinus infections (acute and chronic) – joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism – muscle tension and-verhartungen – allergies and chronic skin diseases for more information about the neural Naturheilpraxis Scholz from Munich-Pasing is anytime available.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty