No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Fitness Training With Heart Rate Monitors

January 20th, 2010

Since most of us to move due to a sedentary activity, too little or too one-sided, it should counteract by purposeful and above all, proper training to keep fit and healthy. Under ‘the training is always an endurance and fitness training to understand how it can drive through running, cycling or also Nordic walking. Of course there are other forms of training, which have their advantages and raison d’tre, but since it is here at the training with heart rate monitors, there are these three types of motion. There are several reasons why the person should or would like to train: From the perspective of health is probably the most common, the desire to reduce the weight, so called weight loss. This is often accompanied with the aim of being fit in general (or become) and do something for the health. But even for someone who already has a different sport, extra endurance training can be a good complement in order to obtain the necessary stamina.Experience shows that just comes with team sports that are practiced in the club, this type of training (at least in the leisure sector) are often too short or does not take place at all. No matter why you have opted for a workout is important, which one has the right training. In addition to good equipment and means matching diet “proper training” in this context that we choose the intensity of the workout correctly and that depending on the desired training goal. A very crucial role played by the pulse. Because only if you train in the appropriate pulse range, achieves the desired Effekt.Um determine the correct pulse range, ie the height of the pulse, which is to be achieved during training, or should, you must first identify the so-called maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate is the (very individual!) Maximum heart rate, can be reached at full exertion at all. The maximum heart rate can be determined in various ways.The simplest is the simple commonly used formula: 220 minus age. So for a (n) 30-year-old (s) that would give a maximum pulse of 190 beats per minute. Another possibility is a test in a qualified gym. Of course one can also determine the maximum heart rate by just one actually loaded to a maximum and then measures the pulse. But this is only recommended for healthy people and only under supervision, since it carries risks of going to the physical performance limit! Once you determine the maximum heart only once, we can now determine the pulse with which we want to train. What is the pulse should be in a pub, it is clear from the desired training goal, as here in the two examples of “weight” and “improving conditions” will be shown: In order to decrease (ie by training running, cycling, etc.) lose weight, is the general rule: less intense, ie, less quickly, and move for a long time.The reason is that is burned only when slow running and only after a certain period of fat. (The events are a bit complicated, but it is sufficient as an explanation.) Is the ideal pulse for the so-called fat metabolism training at 60 to 70 percent of the maximum pulse. (The fact that only for losing weight training alone is not sufficient, but often a change in diet is necessary, is generally known and is mentioned here only for completeness sake.) Improve conditions in order to improve the condition, ie, the endurance, you must train at a higher pulse range as during practice for the purpose of losing weight. The pulse should be here in the range of 70 to 80 percent of the maximum pulse lie. For a gradual improvement in fitness and Konditon it goes completely out of control. To train more targeted, one must vary the training sessions and can – as an advanced training athletes – including some in the pulse range of 80-90 percent.But even here, of course, is: Who is over his physical condition is not clear, should seek advice from the doctor examine it. Finally, the question remains how to determine the best pulse monitor during training or to remain in the pulse range to above. Apart from the rather imprecise Pulsfhlen, this is done most easily by the use of heart rate monitors. This one is a chest strap, which measures the heartbeat and wirelessly to the watch to your wrist forwards, which it displays them. For most heart rate monitors you can set a pulse range in which you want to train. If the heart rate during exercise outside these limits, the heart rate monitor gives an acoustic signal so that one can customize his training immediately, for example where you run faster or slower. In this way we avoid risky to overloading and ensures that training is best.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty