Extreme stress situations today are part of our everyday lives. And since not only the professional life is to blame, but also the heck entity Feierabend and the excess of leisure activities. Just the advertising we lived before the ideal man: Fitness through adequate training units, tempered body with the help of make-up and push up and balancing cultural experiences for the personal intelligence. But how to bring everything together, when most of the day demands of the employer’s rights to concentration and performance and after that health is strained by time stress Ideally, therefore some relaxation units observed in a fixed rhythm. Again, the deals are varied and so the needs of individuals can be adjusted individually. Alternative proposals for this are, for example yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, sauna, reiki, meditation, different kinds of massages and much more. The important thing is the basic rule to instruct in detail in any type of relaxation technique or to seek treatment, and when theySelf-application to learn properly. Most relaxation exercises are subject to the laws of natural medicine, and therefore almost entirely without side effects. But also a balancing fitness facilities can contribute to the body relax. Many people filter through stress from power. Offer here is mainly running sessions, gym or team sports. When the body’s running up to speed, he usually sends enough happiness to the immune system. Another tip for this is a balanced whole foods which the body does not burden but keeps in a constant sense of being. Above all, five times daily fruit and raw vegetables also mean a relaxing health care. It is important in general that every internal to hear his voice and the body’s relaxation periods regularly acknowledges. So you can counteract many of house Krankheitssympthomatiken.