No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty

Food Addictions

November 11th, 2014

The site offers a mental training and emotional education to prosper in the diets to lower of weight. We learn that they are not the diets those that do not work, but the people with low power level who let themselves drag and end up squashing itself. We learn that it is not the obesity the one that forces to us to make things that we did not wish. With combined of theories and very precise and simple practices, we learn that the overweight is more between the varied manifestations of the body. As much the obesity as the addiction to the food is a by-product, a materialization of brings back to consciousness. If an idea with respect to my same one had taken to me to eat too much, changing the idea of my same one it changes my behavior. If an idea with respect to my same one took body to still increase of weight taking mineral water, changing that idea of my same one, it changes the operation of my metabolism The program takes to the addict ones to the food especially, to all those customary ones to eat by anxiety, to discover the factors and reasons that inspire to their body and its cells a to behave they do since it.

With the practices we confirmed that in the fulfillment of its functions, each cell is expressing to what body belongs The program allows to verify that the best diet to lower of weight is elaborated in the mind. In order to make diet it will be necessary to take an emotional education; to use the head to become thin. Our mind is designed to collect data, to think and to extract evaluations and conjectures. We can think to us like obesity patients and suffer along with so many other fat people who suffer. Or we can choose the route of the thought, to commit to us there where we will see better and where we will find the true origins and causes of on weight in us.

The program is an essential apoyatura for all that one that wants to become thin eating, for those who suffer of obesity; for those who, accustomed to swallow emotions have developed an addictive way to eat. When we realize by own experience and we confirmed with our own body that the overweight is a materialization of brings back to consciousness not only changes our physical aspect, it changes our attitude. It is illuminated our brings back to consciousness, it improves that idea with respect to those who we are and of how much we can obtain. Our degree of self-esteem rises and the full life of color.


No One’s Car Needs to Stay Dirty